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7 Early Signs That Prove You Are Pregnant!

7 Early Signs That Prove You Are Pregnant!

Signs That Prove You Are Pregnant

Some women are unaware that there are early signs that describe whether they have become pregnant or not. Most of the time, they feel panicky and run to the nearest pharmacy for a pregnancy test to confirm their suspicions. But did you know that there are a number of physical signs that can indicate a pregnancy? Let's see which ones.

Pregnancy is the most anticipated period for the majority of couples especially for women. Some of them are waiting for this magical moment and are doing everything they can to get pregnant. But once they are, it's a new adventure that starts with lots of positive things like the happiness of carrying a life in your body and negative things like the discomfort of nausea and other physical manifestations. But how do we know that we are really pregnant?

A missed period of rules is not the only sign of pregnancy. The appearance of bleeding and pelvic cramps similar to menstruation are also very early signs of pregnancy.

The 7 Symptoms Of A Pregnancy Is In Progress:

1. Your breasts hurt you

If you feel that they are swollen and sore, this may be the first sign of the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. This symptom usually occurs from the 4th week and lasts throughout the first trimester. Your areolas also become darker and bigger and your nipples become more sensitive.

2. Breathlessness

Shortness of breath is another symptom that can obviously prove a sign of pregnancy in a woman. During pregnancy the blood volume increases by 30%. The heart must therefore send more blood into the body and to do so it beats faster and runs out of steam.

3. Tiredness :

Fatigue can happen for dozens of reasons, but pregnancy is one of them too. If you feel more tired than normal, then you can do the pregnancy test. The high level of progesterone can tire you, while you have not changed your daily habits. Fatigue is essential in early pregnancy. The body makes a double effort to produce the amount of blood to help the baby grow, so you risk a drop in energy all the time.

4. Nausea :

Morning sickness is a particularly important symptom. It may appear as early as the week of your missed period. A few days after conception, nausea and feeling of being smeared arise. Nausea related to pregnancy can occur at any time of the day, morning, noon and night, and even at night, without distinction! They are genetic for women whose mothers had nausea. This symptom usually starts around the 4th week of pregnancy.

5. The body pains:

Pregnant women often suffer from frequent back pain during the first trimester. A hormone called relaxin modifies the stability of the joints in the pelvis to relax them to allow easier passage of the baby during delivery. The posture of the back changes over time, because of the weight of your growing uterus, the lower back curve more than usual to accommodate the load, resulting in tense muscles and therefore pain.

6. Cramps:

This comes down to hormonal changes. They may also be due to increased blood flow in the pelvic area or contractions of the uterus during orgasm. A pregnancy test is the only way to be sure you are pregnant. If you are concerned about regular cramps, then you should consult your doctor.

7. Mood swings:

Mood changes can be caused by physical strain, fatigue, changes in your metabolism, or hormones (estrogen and progesterone). These hormonal changes can affect your level of neurotransmitters, which are brain chemicals that regulate mood.