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Gynecologists Warn: 6 Menstrual Problems That You Should Never Ignore!

Gynecologists Warn: 6 Menstrual Problems That You Should Never Ignore!

Since puberty, women are required to pay more attention to certain parts of their body, including their genitalia and menstruation. They will also need to be alert to certain symptoms and problems during their cycles. Gynecologists warn of these types of irregular symptoms that should not be ignored. A skipped cycle, reduced or excessive bleeding may be signs of serious problems. These symptoms are the signal that you should go see a gynecologist.

6 menstrual problems that you should never ignore

Absence of menstruation

If you have not menstruated for two or more menstrual cycles, and you're sure you're not pregnant, that indicates a problem somewhere. The reasons may be hormonal imbalance, thyroid problems, intense workouts, or excessive diet, stress, or premature menopause. Lack of menstruation can lead to a higher risk of abnormal cell growth, which is a potential condition before cancer. Except for the usual treatment, your gynecologist should do a blood test, check your hormonal level and your thyroid, and also check if you have polycystic ovaries.

Sudden and intense cramps

If you have cramps that are causing you unbearable pain, you may be suffering from endometriosis. Endometriosis is a condition in which cells that grow inside the uterus begin to grow even from the outer wall of the uterus and cause intense and abnormal pain. Symptoms can occur at any time, and most women diagnosed with this type of problem usually had painful periods from a young age.

Abnormal bleeding

If you notice abnormal bleeding between your cycles, it may be perfectly normal, especially if you are taking a birth control pill, but you should still go see a doctor. It may also mean that you may have ovarian cysts, fibroids or precancerous cells.

Excessive bleeding or cycle that lasts more than 10 days
What is excessive bleeding? If you change your sanitary napkin every hour, this can be called excessive bleeding. This can be a symptom of certain health problems, such as fibroids, polyps or adenomyosis, where the endometrial tissue develops inside the uterine muscle walls, which can cause anemia. This kind of condition requires urgent medical intervention. This can be a sign of myoma (tumors in the muscle tissue of the uterus) or hyperplasia (excessive development of cells).

Unbearable symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

If you become uncontrollable, you probably have premenstrual dysphoric disorder, which is incomparably worse than classic PMS. His symptoms include uncontrolled food cravings, mood swings, depression, high anxiety, anger and the loss of your own control. These symptoms can be very unpleasant, but taking antidepressant foods such as oily fish, soy, nuts, oats ... etc. for 2 weeks or 1 month can make a huge difference.

Hormones "in distress"

Some things during your periods can get worse. If you have asthma and feel very bad a week before your cycle, you should know that this is not a coincidence. There is a known phenomenon in which conditions such as diabetes, depression or arthritis worsen during menstruation. You should consult your doctor about the medications you should take before having your period, this will help you feel much better.