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Lose Pounds Quickly With The 7 Day "Cucumber Diet"!

Lose Pounds Quickly With The 7 Day "Cucumber Diet"!

Lose Pounds Cucumber Diet

To lose weight fast, some are ready for all the sacrifices including draconian diets for a long time but is it really necessary? Indeed, this abrupt change in feeding over time is often synonymous with deficiencies.

So to lose stubborn pounds without yoyo effect, that is to lose weight and then resume, it is better to target short-term diets that are healthy and balanced as the diet "cucumber"!

The benefits of cucumber

Among star foods during weight loss, we find apple, lemon and cucumber. Indeed, it has a high water content (about 90%) and dietary fiber while being low in calories. It offers a feeling of fullness and acts as a powerful natural diuretic that reduces the phenomenon of water retention and eliminate toxins, causing the accumulation of fat. But it is also a source of nutrients including vitamins A and K, antioxidants and minerals and trace elements such as calcium, magnesium and iron that are beneficial to the whole organism. 

In addition, cucumber retards aging, fights against diseases such as cancer and improves cardiovascular health and skin appearance. Indeed, used in beauty treatments for the face, the cucumber decreases the appearance of puffiness and dark circles while nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

The classic one-day menu during the "cucumber" diet

In order to lose weight thanks to the virtues of cucumber, here is the classic menu of a day during the diet "cucumber".
  • Breakfast: One serving of cucumber salad and two boiled eggs
  • Snack: 5 small plums or 1 apple or 1 peach (less than 200 grams).
  • Lunch: A slice of toasted whole grain bread, a portion of cucumber salad and 150 grams of fat free tuna or white meat or two boiled eggs.
  • Snack: A glass of sugar smoothie with cucumber.
  • Dinner: 300 grams of fruit salad and cottage cheese.

During this diet, you are allowed to eat the following foods: 

2 boiled potatoes, brown rice or 3 slices of wholemeal bread, 300 grams of fresh fruit, 150 grams of tuna without oil or white meat, 2 boiled eggs, water, tea and coffee without sugar. These foods should be replaced by those of your choice, taking care to replace starchy foods with other starchy foods for example, and not to add them to your meals.

This diet is to be done for 7 to 10 days maximum to lose weight. However, to optimize weight loss over time and avoid the "yo-yo effect", that is to say, take back the weight you just lost, it should engage in regular physical activity in parallel, as well as Review your diet and lifestyle as a result of this diet, to strive for healthy habits in everyday life.

The recipe for cucumber salad

  • 400 grams of cucumber
  • 1 onion
  • 1 natural yoghurt
  • Salt and pepper


Start by carefully washing the cucumber and then cut it into thin slices. Then peel the onion and chop it finely. In a large bowl, arrange the cucumber and onion and season with salt and pepper. Finally, add the yogurt and mix well.

The cucumber smoothie recipe:

  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 apple
  • ½ cup spinach
  • ½ cup of water
  • 1 pinch of ginger
  • 20 grams of almonds and walnuts


First, clean the cucumber, apple and spinach thoroughly. Place them in a blender and add the water and the ginger, until you obtain a homogeneous texture. Finally, add the almonds and walnuts in your glass of smoothie to increase your magnesium intake and prolong your energy!