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This Natural Recipe Will Clean Your Clogged Arteries, Lower Your Blood Pressure And Your Cholesterol

This Natural Recipe Will Clean Your Clogged Arteries, Lower Your Blood Pressure And Your Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fatty substance naturally produced by our body and contributes to its proper functioning. However, an increase in the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and its accumulation on the walls of the arteries and blood vessels can obstruct the latter and hinder the flow of blood, thus causing a stroke or infarction.

There are approximately 60,000 heart attacks in canada each year and 14 people die per day by heart attack, or 2,400 deaths per year. To avoid this and keep your cholesterol under control, here is a very effective natural recipe, to prepare at home.

In addition to causing significant weight gain, eating processed or high-fat foods and lack of physical activity can have very serious health consequences, such as narrowing or complete blockage of the arteries. .

To avoid this and keep a fluid blood circulation in the body, it is important to adopt a healthy and balanced diet, rich in fresh and natural foods and to do regular physical exercises that burn the extra calories, purify the body and tone it up. It is also recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day to ensure the body a good hydration and contribute to better evacuation of toxins.

To help keep your cholesterol levels under control, to clear your arteries and lower your blood pressure, discover this recipe with 100% natural ingredients.

Effective drink to unclog arteries, reduce blood cholesterol and hypertension


  • 1 kilo of lemons (preferably organic)
  • Baking soda
  • 5 or 6 bunches of parsley
  • 12 cups of water

The first step is to wash the lemons carefully. If you can not get these organic citrus fruits, wash them with the mixture of cold water and baking soda, to get rid of pesticide residues. As soon as your lemons are clean, cut them into small pieces without peeling them.

Boil the water and add the chopped parsley. Let infuse for ten minutes, then add the lemon pieces and a teaspoon of baking soda, and place in the fridge for 24 hours.

Once your drink is ready, drink 100 ml a day for a small glass, on an empty stomach, for 1 to 2 weeks maximum. If you want to repeat this treatment, wait at least a month.

Warning: if you suffer from gastritis, avoid consuming this drink.

Benefits of the ingredients:

The lemon :
Thanks to its high content of fiber, vitamins and minerals and antioxidants, lemon helps improve digestion, purify the body and fight against the pro-inflammatory effect of free radicals. It is also very effective at lowering blood cholesterol and counteracting the rigidity of blood vessels, helping to lower high blood pressure. In addition, its satiating effect helps regulate appetite and promote weight loss.

However, people with stomach ulcers, biliary disorders or kidney problems should avoid consuming them.

Diuretic, antioxidant and very rich in nutrients, parsley helps to boost the functioning of the kidneys and blood vessels, to eliminate toxins and excess fluids from the body, but also to neutralize the action of free radicals that promote overproduction and fat storage.

Baking soda:
In addition to its many cleansing, whitening and deodorizing properties that are highly valued in cosmetics, baking soda also has many health benefits. Indeed, it helps fight against digestive disorders and its alkalizing properties help reduce the rate of acidity in the body and boost the functioning of the kidneys. In addition, combined with lemon, it helps lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and preserve cardiovascular health.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women, children under 5 and people on medication should not consume baking soda.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance naturally produced by our body and contributes to its proper functioning. However, an increase in the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and its accumulation on the walls of the arteries and blood vessels can obstruct the latter and hinder the flow of blood, thus causing a stroke or infarction.    There are approximately 60,000 heart attacks in canada each year and 14 people die per day by heart attack, or 2,400 deaths per year. To avoid this and keep your cholesterol under control, here is a very effective natural recipe, to prepare at home.    In addition to causing significant weight gain, eating processed or high-fat foods and lack of physical activity can have very serious health consequences, such as narrowing or complete blockage of the arteries. .    To avoid this and keep a fluid blood circulation in the body, it is important to adopt a healthy and balanced diet, rich in fresh and natural foods and to do regular physical exercises that burn the extra calories, purify the body and tone it up. It is also recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day to ensure the body a good hydration and contribute to better evacuation of toxins.    To help keep your cholesterol levels under control, to clear your arteries and lower your blood pressure, discover this recipe with 100% natural ingredients.    Effective drink to unclog arteries, reduce blood cholesterol and hypertension    Ingredients:  1 kilo of lemons (preferably organic) Baking soda 5 or 6 bunches of parsley 12 cups of water   Preparation:    The first step is to wash the lemons carefully. If you can not get these organic citrus fruits, wash them with the mixture of cold water and baking soda, to get rid of pesticide residues. As soon as your lemons are clean, cut them into small pieces without peeling them.    Boil the water and add the chopped parsley. Let infuse for ten minutes, then add the lemon pieces and a teaspoon of baking soda, and place in the fridge for 24 hours.    Once your drink is ready, drink 100 ml a day for a small glass, on an empty stomach, for 1 to 2 weeks maximum. If you want to repeat this treatment, wait at least a month.    Warning: if you suffer from gastritis, avoid consuming this drink.    Benefits of the ingredients:    The lemon :    Thanks to its high content of fiber, vitamins and minerals and antioxidants, lemon helps improve digestion, purify the body and fight against the pro-inflammatory effect of free radicals. It is also very effective at lowering blood cholesterol and counteracting the rigidity of blood vessels, helping to lower high blood pressure. In addition, its satiating effect helps regulate appetite and promote weight loss.    However, people with stomach ulcers, biliary disorders or kidney problems should avoid consuming them.    Parsley    Diuretic, antioxidant and very rich in nutrients, parsley helps to boost the functioning of the kidneys and blood vessels, to eliminate toxins and excess fluids from the body, but also to neutralize the action of free radicals that promote overproduction and fat storage.    Baking soda:    In addition to its many cleansing, whitening and deodorizing properties that are highly valued in cosmetics, baking soda also has many health benefits. Indeed, it helps fight against digestive disorders and its alkalizing properties help reduce the rate of acidity in the body and boost the functioning of the kidneys. In addition, combined with lemon, it helps lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and preserve cardiovascular health.    Caution: Pregnant or breastfeeding women, children under 5 and people on medication should not consume baking soda.