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Here's How To Reduce Your Waistline Without Any Diet

Here's How To Reduce Your Waistline Without Any Diet

Reduce Your Waistline Without Any Diet

It is no secret, we all know that belly fat is a real problem and that we must be armed with a lot of patience to be able to hope to get rid of it one day! Here are some tips that will help you achieve this much desired goal, without necessarily going through the "diet" box!

If overweight and obesity concern respectively 32% and 15% of over 18s, the issue of diet, continues to gain ground and fuel all our conversations, even to occupy all minds, especially that of the young. With the advent of social networks and the over-mediatisation of sports and physical performances on Instagram, facebook or even YouTube, the body has become a cult object in its own right, sometimes even rivaling certain works of art!

Many and many of you will be happy to know that there are simple solutions to get a dream body in no time and without necessarily go through the box "diet"! But attention, efforts and devotion will still be needed to get results much faster, but most importantly, to strengthen your metabolism. So remember well:

A lot of water you'll drink ...

We will never repeat it enough, drinking a lot of water is essential to lose weight and most importantly, regulate your metabolism. For this, at least 1.5 L of water is more than recommended to prepare your body for weight loss. In addition, know that water is a natural appetite suppressant of the most effective! So if you are more fan of soft drinks than water, go your way or put yourself there because you will not be disappointed (e)!

Exercises 5 times a week ..

You will have been warned, it is imperative that you can indulge in some physical exercises to optimize your chances of losing belly. For this, nothing more simple, you just have to opt for a series of movements that you try to perform 5 times a week, either every day during the work week or class! The ideal would be to go to exercises that will take you 15 to 20 minutes every day.

Choose exercises combining weight loss and muscle building like squats, board, crunches, jumps jacks, sit ups, butt kicks or pumps!

Sweets and desserts you will give up ...

Even with all the good will in the world, we sometimes crack and succumb to a chocolate dessert or all kinds of treats or treats, because after all, we are not perfect! Yet, it is imperative to learn to control his impulses and not be tempted by the first candy!

If you can not break with sugary foods, at least take care to reduce their intake, because drinking too much soda or sugar, for example, would increase hunger and therefore cause excessive and rapid weight gain. !

A detox recipe for fast weight loss

In addition, if you want to maximize your chances of losing weight even faster, do not hesitate to opt for a refreshing detox drink! To prepare it, nothing more simple, simply provide you with the following ingredients, namely: an organic lemon (or a lemon previously washed with water and baking soda), some pieces of cucumber (medium size) , 2 cm grated fresh ginger and some mint leaves (average 10). Mix with water (about 2 liters) and let rest for a few hours in the refrigerator. Once infused, your drink will be ready to be tasted!

This is probably not the first time you hear about this "lemon-detox" recipe. But if it seems to be so successful, it is not by chance, because it actively participates in the loss of fat cells, including white fat cells responsible for the formation of fat deposits in our body. Thanks to its vitamin C present in its pulp, lemon helps the proper functioning of the gallbladder that ensures better elimination of toxins.


However, it is advisable not to consume lemon if you suffer from heartburn or gastric reflux. It is strictly forbidden to consume in case of ulcer for example!