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These 5 Bad Habits That Damage Your Thyroid

These 5 Bad Habits That Damage Your Thyroid

Bad Habits Destroy Your Thyroid

Thyroid diseases have become a common problem for many people around the world. They are part of the hormonal disorders that can significantly hinder the daily life of the person who suffers, including disruption of sleep, mood swings, metabolic dysfunction and a loss of memory. However, there are daily habits that the patient can adopt to improve his living conditions. Here are some changes to make to your lifestyle to manage thyroid problems.

Because of the lifestyle of today (pressure, diet, smoking, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle ...), thyroid diseases are more and more widespread around the world. Nearly 5 million French people are affected by this pathology. There are two main types of thyroid diseases: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism means an excess of thyroid hormone. This high level causes an acceleration of the metabolism that makes the body permanently overactive. As a result, heart rate increases, muscles may weaken and hands may start to shake. Many people also feel nervousness or anxiety.

Hypothyroidism means a deficiency of thyroid hormone that causes a slowing down of most organs of the body. The symptoms of a hypoactive thyroid gland are completely the opposite of those of hyperthyroidism namely, slowing of heart rate, muscles that become slow, weak and often sore as well as a lack of energy.

The 5 Habits That Cause Thyroid Disorders:

The proper functioning of the thyroid gland is directly related to a perfect state of health. Therefore, there are habits that affect the health of the thyroid:

Excessive stress

Biologically, the thyroid will increase its activity when the body will undergo a situation of over-stress that will exceed the limits of the body. The number of people who reported experiencing particularly stressful situations before the onset of hyperthyroidism seems to favor the theory that stress is a determining factor.


Thyroid problems can escalate with smoking. This occurs due to the presence of cyanide in tobacco smoke. It is an antithyroid agent that prevents the gland from synthesizing hormones that connect to their receptors. Smoking affects the thyroid gland by increasing the risk of goiter and Graves' disease (an autoimmune disease that causes the mass production of antibodies against one's own thyroid).

Not to mention the other organs that are impacted by the cigarette including the liver and lungs.

Soy consumption:

According to a new study by Loma Linda University in California, excessive consumption of soy-based foods may affect the performance of the thyroid in some women. The risk of having a high level of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) was 4 times higher in women who consume it regularly.

Cruciferous raw vegetables:

Eating too much cabbage or broccoli can interfere with thyroid function in people with iodine deficiency. Cruciferous vegetables are rich in glucosinolates that the body turns into goitrogens. Goitrogens disrupt the thyroid gland, which then struggles to produce the hormones the body needs for normal metabolic function. So you can still eat these vegetables, but do not consume too much!

Physical inactivity :

Lack of physical activity on a daily basis can lead to thyroid changes, such as hypothyroidism. Do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, and avoid spending too much time sitting or lying down.

Foods to get rid of in case of hypothyroidism:

All meals made with gluten or white flour. It has been proven that gluten suppresses the thyroid.

Dairy products are full of hormones and antibiotics that disrupt the body. Remember that hormonal health is like a symphony in the body, when an organ is out of balance, it will affect all the body's synergy.

Sweet products also affect the thyroid and many other organs, including the brain.

Foods to eliminate in case of hyperthyroidism:

The diet of people with hyperthyroidism must be low in iodine including: all kinds of seafood, dried fruits, spinach, seaweed, fresh fruits such as apples and strawberries, peas, corn. It is also best to avoid herbs and spices.

Do not hesitate to consult your doctor for a suitable diet.

Also be sure to eat 3 balanced meals a day with snacks as needed. Follow as much as possible the principles of a balanced plate (1/2 vegetables, ¼ meat and alternatives and ¼ whole grain products).