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He's 65, She's Only 12. Look At How People Reacted To Their Marriage

He's 65, She's Only 12. Look At How People Reacted To Their Marriage

He's 65, She's Only 12. Look At How People Reacted To Their Marriage

Protecting a child involves a lot of responsibilities, such as the fact that he must not suffer physical or psychological violence, he must enjoy his basic rights such as eating, drinking, schooling, having a roof and also a family. But there is also a practice that is unfortunately still relevant in some parts of the world and is nothing else than forced marriage of children.

Children deprived of all their rights

It could be a neighbor, a classmate or a colleague, a friend, an acquaintance or a member of your family. According to a report by the World Bank and Save The Children, 30,000 girl children are married each day, giving an average of 20 married girls per minute or one girl every 3 seconds. In fact, according to UNICEF, more than 700 million women worldwide were married when they were still children. These girls are in fact deprived of their childhood, deprived of education, exposed to premature pregnancies and completely lose the ability to control their own lives.

This may seem exaggerated, you must also think that this never happens in so-called developed countries. But how would people react if such a thing happened in the middle of the day in New York?

It happens all the time and all over the world. To highlight the problem of forced child marriage, and show that it should not be ignored, the youtubeur "Coby Persin" decided to do a social experiment.

A social experiment to break the wall of silence

It is absolutely not a real legal child marriage. Although it may seem awkward to watch, but it is very important. Because such a concern must be brought to light and must be the subject of a fairly substantial awareness campaign.

He's 65, She's Only 12. Look At How People Reacted To Their Marriage

In organizing a false marriage between a 12-year-old girl and a 65-year-old man, Coby Persin wanted to show what the reactions of people in such a situation would look like. The experiment was conducted right in the center of Times Square in New York.

As part of this experience, Coby played the role of a photographer pretending to take a wedding photo of the 65-year-old man and the 12-year-old girl. The latter posed in front of the camera while holding hands. The man smiled as he stared at his "young wife".

He's 65, She's Only 12. Look At How People Reacted To Their Marriage

The reactions did not wait long

At first, people simply passed by staring at what was happening. But the longer the experience, the more people's reactions were felt. The angry people approached "the couple" and were quick to have a confrontation, sometimes brutal, with the man.

In the midst of all this, a woman asked where the girl's mother was and reminded the man that she was way too young for such a thing.

Others stopped by making comments like "it's crazy! »,« It is unacceptable »,« it is not legal »or« you are only a kind of sick pervert! ".

A woman among the crowd has decided to take things in hand and move the girl away from the man. You could feel the tension in the atmosphere that was beginning to reach its climax.

It was clearly an excellent initiative by this young videographer to want to put the forced marriage of minors in the spotlight, which will have finally shown that if New York refused a 12-year-old girl to be married, then it should to be the same everywhere in the world, because no child deserves such a thing. 

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