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I Lost 146 Pounds In 6 Months Thanks To This Drink With 2 Ingredients, It Is Miraculous To Lose Weight!

I Lost 146 Pounds In 6 Months Thanks To This Drink With 2 Ingredients, It Is Miraculous To Lose Weight!

I Lost 146 pounds In 6 Months

There are several reasons for wanting to lose weight, such as feeling better in one's body, improving one's health, being able to wear what one wants, or for purely medical reasons. But the way to go about it is complicated because it depends on the morphology and the metabolism of each one.

Beyond the medical and physiological causes of weight gain, many events in our lives and different emotional states affect our weight such as stress and anxiety. The knowledge of our body as well as the step back from the daily annoyances affect our motivation to take control of ourselves. In addition, our lack of physical activity, which increases with age, maintains this physical state. But our eating behavior is also illustrated by our lack of time and our habit of eating fast and already prepared dishes, like junk food.

In addition, celebrities regularly see the emergence of new diets and methods to lose weight quickly and effortlessly. Each defends the benefits of his technique through marketing enough stringed to make us believe that this or that powder will have a magical effect on our weight loss. But the best way to lose weight permanently is through the use of healthy products and the respect of certain basic rules concerning our eating behavior.

Some tips for successful weight loss

Some basic rules make it possible to lose weight like:
  • Avoid nibbling
  • Do not skip meals and especially, breakfast
  • Hydrate all day long
  • Remove fatty and sugary foods
  • Remove alcohol and beer
  • Do not refill
  • Limit bread consumption
  • Have a balanced diet
  • Practice regular physical activity
  • Have realistic weight loss goals
  • To be motivated
  • Split meals
  • Stock up on fruits and vegetables

In addition, some natural remedies help to facilitate weight loss like the drink below.

The 100% natural drink to lose weight

  • The juice of half a lemon
  • ½ tablespoon baking soda
  • 25 cl of water


Mix all the ingredients together in a homogeneous way then consume this drink in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before going to sleep. This drink will improve the fat-burning efficiency that occurs naturally while we sleep.

Indeed, when we sleep, we naturally lose weight through changes in body temperature and the production of leptin, a hormone that gives us a sense of satiety and metabolizes fat. In addition, having quality sleep restores a variety of overweight conditions, night cravings and cravings for sugar and fat the next day.

Benefits of the ingredients:

Lemon: This citrus with different uses contains flavonoids, which have an action on fat. It is also a natural diuretic for the elimination of toxins and the proper functioning of the bladder and kidneys. In addition, lemon is rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that fights against the urge to eat, which avoids nibbling.

Baking soda: Used widely in the kitchen and to clean the house, baking soda acts as an appetite suppressant because it stimulates the stomach. It promotes digestion and makes food more digestible. Indeed, the bicarbonate of soda has an alkaline chemical formula allowing to regulate the acidity of the mucous membranes and to avoid the burns of stomach.

Warnings: This drink is not recommended for people with gastritis, high blood pressure or heart problems.