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That's Why Japanese Women Are Rarely Overweight And Live Longer! The Secret Finally Revealed

That's Why Japanese Women Are Rarely Overweight And Live Longer! The Secret Finally Revealed

Japanese Women Don’t Get Old or Fat

You have probably heard that Japanese women are the longest-lived women in the world. Well, according to some statistics, the average life of a Japanese woman is 84 years. In addition, they seem younger than many other women in other parts of the world. In fact, in the past, it was believed that women in Japan had a secret elixir that helped them look young even at a later age. Finally, the secret was revealed, and this so-called elixir was their healthy way of life!

The secret of Japanese women revealed

In a book called Japanese women do not grow old and do not get fat written by Naomi Moriyama, this writer comes to talk about the secrets of Japanese women, she explains that they seem young mainly because of their diet. Apparently, Japanese food is made up of foods that prevent premature aging, certain health problems and obesity.

Naomi is inspired by her mother's cooking and delivers secrets for a long and healthy life. She focuses on food that is part of daily Japanese food that helps to lose weight.

The diet of Japanese women

Japanese women eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, rice, organic soy and seaweed. In addition, every Japanese family consumes daily green tea known for its preventive benefits important for health and well-being. Especially since the Japanese prefer to eat homemade meals including soups, grilled fish, rice and cooked vegetables. The Japanese diet consists mainly of fish, it seems that the Japanese consume about 10% of the world's fish.

All of these foods have anti-aging properties and help you lose weight in a healthy way by controlling healthy weight.

Food is a culture

Naomi Moriyama says in her book that since childhood, parents tell their children to eat slowly and enjoy each bite. They should never completely fill the bowl or serve huge portions and that each food should be served separately.

The writer adds that their traditional cooking is easy, the food is prepared and cooked slowly and with great delicacy. It is either grilled or steamed. In addition, the Japanese replace the bread with rice and eat it with each meal. This is one of the biggest differences between how people eat in the East and West.

The main concern of the Japanese woman who cooks is to use fresh and seasonal products. It is also important to note that the Japanese favor the dishes that will be consumed within half an hour of their preparation.

In Japan, breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day and includes many foods and beverages, such as green tea, steamed rice, soup, garlic, seaweed, eggs or a piece of fish. They rarely eat desserts and they are served in small portions. Japanese women love desserts, but they know they have negative effects on the body and their health, so they avoid them as much as possible.

What about candies?

Japanese women consume sweets, however, they do so in small amounts. They know very well that sweet foods like creams and cakes are bad for their overall health.

What about bread?

Instead of eating bread to accompany the dishes, the Japanese avoid it and eat rice instead because of the high sugar content of bread especially white bread.


Part of the daily routine of Japanese women is exercise. According to Naomi Moriyama, hiking, cycling and walking are part of the everyday life of the Japanese woman whether she is active or housewife.

The Japanese have a different mentality about food compared to other cultures. If, for example, Americans are concerned about diet and weight issues, Japanese people are invited to enjoy a wider variety of foods without worrying about the diet.

All these things combined make the "secret" of the physical condition of the Japanese and the Japanese in general.