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A Simple Glance At Your Toilet Can Tell You If You Are In Good Health

A Simple Glance At Your Toilet Can Tell You If You Are In Good Health

Some facts about your stool

Most people usually go to the bathroom, do their homework and then everything stops there. While it would be wiser, for our sake, to pay a little more attention to what we leave behind at that time, because it can tell us a lot about our state of health. It could even save our lives.

In case you do not know, your stools can tell a lot about the current state of your organs as well as your entire body. Reason why, it would be more prudent to look inside your bowl after defecating, because by doing this you will have a record of your health.

What do you really know about your poo?

If it is brown, it comes from the digested food, it also means that all the nutrients have been absorbed. Regular bowel movements are essential for good health, allowing your body to eliminate all superfluous substances.

The different textures

"Hazelnuts": This is a sign that your body is lacking in fiber and liquids. In this case, you should drink more water and eat more fruits and vegetables.

"The sausage" soft and soft: This is what should look like stool and it is indicative of a good state of health!

"Fluid": it is diarrhea and is often caused by an infection. You need to drink more fluid to keep your body hydrated.

"The sausage" all bumpy: not as serious as a "liquid", but you still need to consume more water and eat more fiber.

"the frothy" with irregular contours: you have to pay attention because you are not far from diarrhea.

In regular pieces: does not indicate anything serious, on the contrary it is quite natural, especially if you do your needs twice a day.

"Cracked sausage": it is not exceptional, but you still need to increase your water consumption.

The different colors

Brown: this is the normal color of the stool.

Green: This means that you must have been eating a lot of green leafy vegetables or green colored foods. This color may also be due to accelerated intestinal transit, food poisoning, bacterial infection and in the worst case cancer.

Yellow: this color indicates an excess of fat in the body due to a diet too rich and disordered digestion at the same time. It can also signal pancreatic dysfunction, gluten intolerance, and pancreatic cancer.

Black: This may be a sign of internal bleeding, caused by some ulcers or cancers. Iron supplementation can give that color, but if you ever see that your stool is sticky, do not hesitate to contact a doctor.

White: this color is not usual, it can be due to the obstruction of a conduit in your body. Some medications can also give that color to your excrement. Do not hesitate to consult to know exactly what it returns.

Red: If you notice blood in your stool, this may be symptomatic of cancer. Do not wait to contact your doctor!

Some facts about your stool

The food you ingest takes between 1 and 3 days from the time you eat it until it ends up in your excrement.

The ones are made of water, bacteria, poorly digested food, dead cells and mucus.

A wholesome poop comes out gently and smoothly

There is no "normal" frequency to do one's needs, some do it once a day, some more, others less.

How to keep your stool healthy?

Eat foods high in fiber (between 20 and 25 grams), drink plenty of water and exercise regularly. And do not forget that good hydration is essential for normal defecation!