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The Way You Cose Your Fists Says A Lot About Your Personality

The Way You Cose Your Fists Says A Lot About Your Personality

Way You Cose Your Fists Says A Lot About Your Personality

We hear from time to time around us or in the media that certain physical traits may have a more or less direct relationship with our personality and way of being, from the color of the eyes, to the shape of the feet through the different types of morphology. But this time, we are talking about a very specific thing: fists.

Your way of shaking your fists reveals a lot about your personality. It can give interesting clues about your temperament, your general attitude and your vision of life, as well as your reactions to certain particular situations. There are obviously exceptions to each rule, and this topic is no exception, so do not hesitate to shake your fist and see which category you fit best.

Type of fists N ° 1

If that's how you hold your fist, you're a sweet person, it's also worth noting that the thumb is tucked right next to the other four fingers. You are a sensitive, caring and considerate person. The thing that sets you apart the most is your emotional intelligence. You are able to take into consideration the emotions of others and act accordingly, which makes you very accessible as a person.

You are an organized person, strategist and you tend towards creativity. You are more oriented towards introversion, you play a good mix of isolation and social integration. You can be impatient when it comes to the goals you are pursuing. The only thing you should pay attention to is people. Some will try to take advantage of your honesty to their advantage, because they will know that you will not protest. So be yourself, while being careful.

Type of fists N ° 2

If it's your way of shaking your fist, it's because your talent, charm, and charisma are talking about you more than you could possibly imagine. You are very extroverted and are ready to act at any time. Just as the thumb stretches to cover the other four fingers.

You exteriorize your emotions without necessarily realizing it. You express everything you really are and do not hesitate to talk about things as you feel.

You are motivated, ambitious, and you always have a secret goal you are moving towards. Your dreams are really the only thing you hide from others. Although you can trust others and understand them, you work in isolation for your different dreams and you focus very intensively on them.

The only thing that can be problematic is that people tend to judge you the wrong way, but it's actually their problem, not yours.

Type of fists N ° 3

Maintaining one's fist in this way reveals obvious signs of introversion. The thumb hiding behind the other fingers as well as your inner thoughts that you do not share with everyone. You limit your relationships and only enjoy being alone or with a limited number of people, a way for you to avoid worries. You have trouble managing the phlegm of people and are attracted to those who are honest and honest.

You prefer only being close to people with whom you can have deep and meaningful conversations. You like spending time with people, but after a while, you need space. What angers you most is when people break into your private life without your consent. Those who make you waste your time, they should expect the worst from you! You are honest and frank, you make sure you do not hurt others.

And if there is something that brings you peace and serenity, it is because your secret garden is occupied only by you.