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Warning Signs That Your Blood Pressure Is Dangerously High (1 In 5 People Do Not Know They Have It)

Warning Signs That Your Blood Pressure Is Dangerously High (1 In 5 People Do Not Know They Have It)

High Blood Pressure Symptoms

High blood pressure is a dangerous condition that occurs when blood pressure in the artery wall becomes high even at rest or in the absence of a state of stress. According to statistics, the disease affects about 1.1 billion people worldwide with an average of nearly 59.3 million new cases of hypertension recorded each year, close to two per second. If hypertension is not treated in time, it increases the risk of fatal cardiovascular disease.

People with high blood pressure often have no symptoms, which is why the majority of sufferers are unaware of the disease. There are many medications that can help treat hypertension, but they are a temporary solution that does not address the underlying cause. Many experts say that the best way to solve the problem is to lead a healthy lifestyle.

High Blood Pressure Symptoms 

In most cases, hypertension does not cause symptoms, but many people report:
  • Headaches when waking up
  • Chest pain
  • High heart rate
  • Vision disorders
  • Bleeding from the nose
Do not hesitate to consult your doctor as soon as your body reveals one of the above symptoms!

In case of hypertension, it is also important to adopt a healthy diet. Here are the foods to avoid:

Sugar :

According to a study published in the medical journal British Medical Journal, frequently consuming sugar is often even more dangerous to health than consuming salt. The researchers point out the sugar used in industrial preparations, but the sugar contained in the fruit is not in question.

Trans fat:

This type of fat can be found in cookies and pastries. According to a US study of more than 28,000 women, most fats increase the risk of hypertension.

The alcohol :

Even in small amounts, alcoholic beverages are very caloric. They are therefore likely to make you fat, knowing that overweight is a factor promoting hypertension. It is important to note that the risk of developing high blood pressure starts from 1.5 alcoholic beverages per day.

Foods rich in sodium:

The salt requirements are about 1 to 2 g per day, while a study revealed that on average people consume 8 to 10 g. This greatly increases the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. You should know that 80% of the salt consumed is hidden in bread, cold meats, soups, soups, cheeses, dishes and cakes.


Caffeine is present in coffee, energy drinks and soda cans, it becomes very dangerous when consumed in large quantities. Caffeine can increase your blood pressure significantly, so be sure to consume it in moderation.

Here are some daily habits to reduce your blood pressure:

A Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are excellent for cardiovascular health. It includes olive oil, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and olives.

Foods rich in fiber

Fresh vegetables, beans and seeds contain a lot of fiber that will keep your blood vessels clean and regulate your blood pressure.

Foods rich with potassium

The American Heart Association suggests that a diet high in potassium can control blood pressure and negate the effects of sodium on your blood vessels.

White tea

White tea (this is the tea that knows the weakest transformation compared to the fresh tea leaf) can improve the functioning of blood vessels. This will cause a decrease in blood pressure, so it is recommended to drink an average of three cups of white tea a day.

Regular physical activity

Physical exercise can help you lower your blood pressure and also burn a lot of fat, which effectively reduces the risk of many cardiovascular problems.


For hypertensive patients, it is important to learn how to manage stress, different measures can be adopted daily to reduce it. Meditation, yoga or other techniques will allow you to relax and chase away negative ideas that can harm your mind and therefore increase blood pressure.

High blood pressure mainly affects adults, but it can also affect children. Children have high blood pressure due to kidney or heart problems, an unhealthy lifestyle and physical inactivity.