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10 Things You Do That Will Kill Your Relationship

10 Things You Do That Will Kill Your Relationship

Things You Do That Will Kill Your Relationship

There are many factors that can interfere with a good relationship, but often, it is certain behaviors of one or both partners that can make the difference and destroy it. Here are 10 behaviors that can completely kill your relationship.

1. You make an ultimatum to your partner
If you ask your partner to choose between you and something else that is very important to him / her, then it is simply unfair. You should not expect him / her to choose you in this scenario. When you really love someone, you never give him an ultimatum. You must be able to deal with all these things to live in a healthy environment.

2. You are violating your partner's personal space
You need to remember that just being in a relationship does not automatically mean you have unrestricted access to various aspects of your partner's life. You do not have the right to own or control your partner as an object. You must take into consideration that your partner is a human being who has limits and rules that you must respect if you still want to keep him in your life.

3. You treat your partner like a baby
You should never treat your partner as an immature child who does not know what he / she is doing. You must remember that equality and balance are essential aspects of a harmonious relationship. If you consider yourself over your partner, then you can probably expect that one day he will get tired of this type of treatment.

4. You do not let your partner be himself
You always expect your partner to play a role in your life, but you never allow him to be a main actor in his own. You dictate everything to him. You discourage him from achieving his goals and dreams, and you do not support him in his efforts. And in the end, your egoism will be the reason why he / she leaves you.

5. You are requesting a temporary break in the relationship
Temporary breaks are always difficult. While this may work for some people, it is never a recommended method of addressing problems. You can always stay together while you work on your problems as a couple, but that does not mean that you have to completely stop your relationship.

6. You still play immature relational games
You must remember that relationships can really only be maintained by two mature individuals. So, if you constantly play immature relationship games with your partner, then you are killing the relationship. You do not want to text him first because you think it makes you weak. You do not want to apologize because your pride does not allow it. You stay silent instead of just telling your partner what's wrong. These are all immature games and you have to stop them.

7. You demand too much communication
Communication is essential for any relationship. But remember, you do not need to be in constant communication with each other. You do not need to chat every second of every day. You must allow each other to have your own living space. Communication is important, but it is not something that needs to be done day and night.

8. You never forget past mistakes
At some point, you must recognize that the mistakes of your partner's past do not necessarily define his present, let alone his future. You must stop reminding him of his past mistakes. There is no point in reopening old wounds just to make him feel bad about himself. This is a very effective method to scare your partner.

9. You always maintain an unhealthy proximity with your ex
No one likes when the trainer is still around. But for many mature partners, they would be able to support the fact that you and your ex are always friends. However, it is normal that no one can stand scenarios where you are always intimate and in touch with an ex. It is a very strange situation that very few people accept in their life.

10. You are unfaithful to your partner
You can not expect your partner to always be with you if you are constantly cheating on him, whether physically or emotionally. Indeed, emotional deception is just as serious, you do not need to have physical intimacy to deceive your partner. Whenever you flirt with the intention of getting closer emotionally to someone, it is already an act of deception in itself.