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7 Exercises In 7 Minutes To Never Have Back Pain

7 Exercises In 7 Minutes To Never Have Back Pain

exercises in 7 minutes to never have back pain

Low back pain or pain in the lower back can be frequent and very painful and even if they can disappear on their own, they can sometimes become acute, even chronic if you do not treat them. We help you in this article to discover the causes and especially the attitudes to adopt to avoid and treat low back pain.

You have finished your day's work, and you end up with an embarrassing pain in the lower back. Although this pain does not prevent you from going about your daily activities, it can become worrying if it persists. Here are some helpful tips that will help you avoid it.

Cause of low back pain

1. Acute low back pain (pain that lasts about a month)

It is caused by a small back injury that can happen when you want to reach an object placed high or wanting to lift a load too heavy. Playing sports without warming up or staying in one position for a long time (at work, for example) can also cause low back pain.

2. Chronic low back pain (persistent pain or recurrence lasting more than 3 months)

In this case, the pain lasts more than three months and is often of degenerative origin or caused by a complication related to a health problem. It is imperative that you consult a doctor in this case to identify the problem and thus treat it.
Other causes are also causing chronic low back pain. We can mention among others:
  • Herniated disc
  • Bad postures
  • The pregnancy
  • A disc degeneration related to aging.
  • Overweight
  • A malformation of the spine.
  • Osteoarthritis or arthritis (inflammatory trauma that can cause pain and stiffness in the lower back.)

If you suffer from these pains and they persist, it is important that you consult a doctor. Some daily actions can also help you maintain your health.

Habits to acquire

1. Take care of your posture by:
  • avoiding crossing your legs when sitting
  • Correcting your position at the office so as not to twist your trunk
  • using swivel chairs with a height-adjustable backrest.

2. Adopt a healthy lifestyle in:
  • monitoring your weight
  • Avoiding smoking: Tobacco activates the areas of the brain associated with pain, according to the researchers, and makes individuals months resistant to an episode of pain.
  • fighting against stress because it causes psychic tensions that resonate on our body mainly on the muscles of the back and the neck. These muscles tighten and become painful.
  • playing sports regularly

3. Opt for good lumbar hygiene in
  • using backpacks instead of shoulder bags
  • always thinking about bending your knees and keeping your back straight when you go down
  • avoid leaning forward to pick up an object on the ground. Rather bend your knees

By following these tips, you will be able to avoid the pain of lumbar pain. In case you are already experiencing these pains, here are some stretches you can do to get rid of them.

Stretching hamstring muscles

exercises in 7 minutes to never have back pain

The hamstring muscles are responsible for flexing the knee. Lie on the ground and bend your knees, keeping your feet on the ground. Then lift one leg as shown in the photo and put both hands on the back of your knee raised at the knees. Stand in this position for about 30 seconds by bringing your leg forward slightly with your hands. You will feel your muscles tangle at the back of your leg. Then repeat the operation with the other leg.

Stretching of the spine:

exercises in 7 minutes to never have back pain

While lying on the ground, move your right leg over your left leg while lowering your left knee as far as possible. Stretch your right arm at the same time as shown in the picture and stay in this position for 30 seconds. You will feel the stretch in the lower back, but especially on the sides.

Stretching of the buttocks and lower back

exercises in 7 minutes to never have back pain

Lie on your back and bring each knee to your chest for 30 seconds by bending your leg. To better stretch, move your hands below the knee as shown in the picture.

4. Stretching of the piriformis muscle (pelvis and thigh muscles)

exercises in 7 minutes to never have back pain

Lying on the floor, put one leg over the other and hold your knee in front of your face for 30 seconds. You must feel the stretch at the back.

5. Hip stretching

exercises in 7 minutes to never have back pain

In order to work your hips, place one leg forward, stand straight and stretch gently as shown in the picture. Hold this position for about 30 seconds and repeat with the other leg.

6) Quadriceps stretching

7 exercises in 7 minutes to never have back pain

Lie on your left side with your left hand under your head. Then try to touch your back with your right leg using your right arm to stretch the foot. Repeat the action by lying on the right side.

7. Stretching all the back

7 exercises in 7 minutes to never have back pain

Catch a table or something solid with both your hands and stretch backwards.