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A Silent Killer That All Girls Have, Every Parent Should Know That!

A Silent Killer That All Girls Have, Every Parent Should Know That!

A Silent Killer That All Girls Wear, Every Parent Should Know That!

You have probably noticed that some women wear a wrist hair elastic. If you are one of them, this article is for you! This seemingly convenient and innocent act can seriously damage your health, moreover the story of this woman will make you think twice before wearing hair elastics on your wrist!

An unsuspected infection carrier

Audree Kopp, from Philadelphia, USA, began to notice a big bump on her wrist. She thought it was a spider bite and she treated it accordingly. Despite his treatment, the hump was still swelling. Then, Andree went to see a doctor to seek medical advice. He prescribed antibiotics and sent her home. However, there was no sign of improvement and things were getting worse, so she decided to go back to the doctor. She ended up in the emergency room and the doctors decided that she would need surgery to control the infection.

After the examination, the results made it possible to diagnose a serious infection resulting from certain bacteria such as streptococcal, staphylococcal and poly-negative bacteria. The bacteria were formed in the hair elastic and penetrated deep through the pores of the girl, causing an infection.

The case of Kopp should be a warning to all women who wear elastic hair for the wrists. In Kopp's case, it was a scintillating hair elastic that caused the infection. Nobody would have thought that such an accessory could cause this so serious condition. So, you have to pay attention to this particular habit.

Fortunately, Kopp reacted in time before the infection spreads and now his wrist is fine.


The risk of infection is always high when you have a recent wound. You should not wear a wrist hair elastic if you are caring for a sick person, or if you are doing work with dirt. In addition, you should wash your hands regularly and correctly to prevent infections and bacteria. However, if you see a red, swollen, painful lump in an area where you have put on a rubber band, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When to wash your hands

Be sure to wash your hands as often as possible. This will prevent bacteria and viruses from spreading. Also, always wash your hands if touching contact lenses, preparing food, before eating, treating sick people, touching animals, using the toilet, or after coughing, etc.

Good ways to wash your hands
In order to wash your hand properly, follow these steps:
  • Use warm water to wash your hands and apply soap.
  • Then rub your hands, palm to palm, in a circular motion.
  • Then place your right palm on the back of your left hand, interlace your fingers and rub well.
  • Change hands and repeat the steps. Do not forget to clean between your fingers.
  • Then wash your hands under running water.
  • Use a clean towel to dry your hands.