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The Ranking Of The Most Dangerous Zodiac Signs

The Ranking Of The Most Dangerous Zodiac Signs

Most Dangerous Zodiac Signs

It would be nice if we could identify earlier which people are most likely to break the law or even become criminals. If you're wondering about someone, and want to know if he's going to develop serious anti-social behavior as he grows up, take a look at his astrology chart and see where Uranus is. This planet is associated with chaos, violation of the rules and the challenge of the status quo.

Virgo (23 August - 22 September)
This sign does not look for trouble. He is even more likely to help fight crime and report every offense he sees. With her sense of detail, a Virgo person would make an excellent legal researcher.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer is a calm and peaceful sign that prefers to take care of its own business. His unconditional love can push him to give a second, third, or even an umpteenth chance to a close criminal, but cancer rarely gets personally involved in law-related matters.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)
A bull can become dangerously violent if he has to defend himself and his property, but otherwise, this sign prefers to live and let live. The fact that he likes getting rich and having new possessions does not prevent him from being very aware of the limits.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Libra wants everyone to be treated fairly and hate to hurt others. But this sign also knows that the law is not always right. If the Libra person goes wrong, it's not because they want to break the rules, but because they want to change bad people.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Although he is often in a good mood and is flexible, Sagittarius has a problem with the control of his impulsiveness. When he is excited by a perspective or idea, he does not always stop to think about adopting the "appropriate means".

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
The big heart that a Lion possesses makes him rather rank on the side of the good. But it can happen that by wanting to impress and attract attention, by frequenting in particular unsavory people, it participates in criminal activities.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Capricorn is always looking for the most effective way to achieve its goals. Cold and calculating, he does not always care to obey the spirit of the law. Since going to prison would not serve its purpose, this sign is not likely to break the rules unless you are sure you are not arrested.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)
Unlike Capricorn, Pisces is governed by its emotions. This sign tends to be caught in the problems of others and does not distinguish one's own feelings from theirs. He will probably not initiate a criminal act on his own, but he can do so if he is convinced that it is the only solution.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)
Eloquent and intellectual, Gemini can lead others to do anything, it's a talent that can be easily abused. This sign does not like violent crime but is very effective in fraud, deception and blackmail. Basically, all that allows him to convince others to give him what he wants.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
Aquarius does not care about social norms and tends to feel like it's above most laws. His eccentricity drives him to want to make life better for other humans than to make it worse. If an Aquarius breaks the law, he probably believes that his humanitarian program justifies his actions.

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
Aries is someone determined to get what he wants, and he will do it in his own way, regardless of the law's point of view. Passionate, impatient and angry, Aries may be the most prone to physical violence and the destruction of property.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
The spirit and heart of Scorpio are naturally inclined to all that is forbidden, he loves secrets, drama and excitement. The criminal world attracts this sign and it can be involved in all sorts of harmful things. He is intelligent, and as he has a penchant for both self-preservation and the search for legal loopholes, he will probably never be caught.