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Spray This In Your Home And There Will Be No Mosquitoes Cockroaches In Just 1 Hour!

Spray This In Your Home And There Will Be No Mosquitoes Cockroaches In Just 1 Hour!

Spray This In Your In Your Home And There Will Be No Mosquitoes Cockroaches In Just 1 Hour

The presence of insects in a house causes a lot of nuisance. Between fly defections, mosquito bites and cockroach-borne bacteria, life quickly becomes unbearable. In this case, we must react quickly to avoid an invasion of these creatures not very pleasant.
Fortunately, there are several effective methods that are safe for your health or the environment. So you can easily make your own insecticides with products you use every day at home.

1 - The homemade insect traps.

Unlike the insect traps offered in the shops, these are ecological, cost almost nothing and are terribly effective.

Trap made from cider vinegar.

You will need:

- Cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar.
- A dishwashing liquid detergent.
- A glass bowl.
- A plastic film.
- A toothpick.

Pour 2 to 3 cm of cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar into the bowl. Then add a few drops of liquid dish detergent and shake to dissolve. By placing the bowl in the infested area in the evening, you will find many dead insects the next day. It seems that the darkness and freshness of the night attracts them more.

Flies and other insects are attracted to vinegar because of the smell that resembles that of fruit rot. Approaching them for food, they will drown with detergent.

Trap with fruit:

Place an old piece of skinless fruit in the bowl. Cover it tightly with a plastic film. Make many small holes in the plastic with a toothpick. The fruit flies will enter the trap without being able to get out.

2 - 100% natural spray

It's a simple, chemical-free, and cheap solution to get rid of these unwanted visitors once and for all.

- ½ glass of vinegar.
- ½ glass of olive oil.
- ½ glass of shampoo.

Manual :

Pour the 3 ingredients into a spray bottle and shake this mixture. It is sufficient to spray the liquid in the different corners of the house.

3 - A repellent based on essential oil of lavender.

Put a few drops of lavender essential oil on a sponge and place it in a place frequented by flies and let act. Renew the operation as soon as the smell is gone.

4- A natural repellent with lemon and cloves.

This tip of grandmother consists of cutting a lemon (preferably green), in two and then stitch about fifteen cloves on each side.

The mixture of 2 perfumes is a natural repellent against mosquitoes and flies. After a few days, the lemon pulp will color and turn brown. This operation is to be renewed every week.

Other tips for hunting insects

Anti-insect plants

Some fragrant plants have a repellent effect on insects. Simply plant them in bins and place them on the windowsills and balconies, to make them a natural barrier.

Against mosquitoes
- Lemon balm.
- Lemon thyme.
- The basil with small leaves.
- Pyrethrum of Dalmatia.

Against flies

- The tuberous chervil.
- The foot of basil.
- The mint pillot.

Against cockroaches
The bay leaves (to place in places frequented by these critters).

Practical advice :

In order to avoid or limit an invasion of insects, it is essential to eliminate all the factors facilitating their development.

- Put the foodstuffs in hermetic boxes in glass or plastic.
- Clean the kitchen after meals.
- Rid the leftover food and crumbs.
- Keep the trash closed and empty it frequently.
- Wash the dishes after each meal.
- Do not leave stagnant dish water.
- Clean the work plans.
- Remove grease deposits on cooking appliances.
- Repair water leaks quickly.
- Clean and aerate the ventilation regularly.
- Never block the air vents.