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The 4 Zodiac Signs That Are The Most Dishonest

The 4 Zodiac Signs That Are The Most Dishonest

Zodiac Signs That Are The Most Dishonest

Many of us are turning to astrology to understand or understand each other. Our personality traits as well as some of our characteristics depend on the month we were born and what natural element we belong to. This time, the stars come to enlighten us on the signs of the zodiac who are the most dishonest. Discover them!

First, it is important to note that people of the same sign are not exactly the same, or that those born under the signs described below are all pathological liars. Astrology simply refers to certain common characters and personality patterns in people born under the same sign of the zodiac, in order to treat them with care.

Here are the most dishonest zodiac signs 

Is Taurus a liar?

People born under the sign of Taurus are strong and determined, but above all they defend their freedom and independence. Taurus do not like people to snoop around, and they do not reveal anything unless they want to do it.

This makes Taurus one of the most dishonest signs of the zodiac, Taurus does not lie compulsively, through malice or slyness, but always seeks to protect their space and privacy.

Is Leo a liar?

Leo is one of the most powerful signs of the zodiac. It is a sign of fire, the Lion have a strong personality and tend to be independent and confident people. They are also very affectionate. Yet it is precisely this charismatic temperament that makes you believe that what a Lion says or does is always right, which can lead him to lie and get away with it, especially if he wants to save his skin.

Since they are very competitive, they will always say that they can do things when in reality they can not. Lion are liars to the extent that they may want to prove to you that you are wrong and show you that they can achieve anything they want. Moreover, they despise conflict. That's why they can lie just to get rid of the person who is in conflict with them, so that they can hide their feelings. The Lion spares no one when it comes to fleeing or manipulating others to get what they want.

Is Gemini a liar?

We have all heard that Gemini have a dual personality. It is precisely the duality of the sign that sometimes leads them to lie. Sometimes Gemini themselves get tangled in what they considered to be true. Gemini may be one of the greatest liars in the zodiac, but there is a reason behind it.

When a Gemini person is dishonest, it is not always intentional. People of this sign usually need some time to get an idea of what they believe in and what they want, so you will need a little patience. Gemini often lie when they are not sure what they think of a certain thing. So that we do not notice their ignorance or uncertainty, they lie to save time and find their true thoughts, opinions and reasons.

Is Scorpio a liar?

Our list of the most dishonest zodiac signs ends with Scorpio, a highly volatile zodiac sign, and is one of the greatest liars in the zodiac. Many expert astrologers point out this sign as being highly manipulative, as Scorpions like to have everything under control. They are great liars who will do their utmost to create a network of lies that no one can discover and control. They are very analytical, so they will know each other's weak points to make sure no one slips their tongue, although they are always quite discreet about their lies.

Sometimes Scorpions are liars because they have not made a decision yet, just like Gemini. Their need to always be in control of each situation can cause them to lie because they do not want others to notice that they have no idea what to do next. Scorpions generally feel comfortable when they lie, so they will not feel much remorse or regret for doing so.

Now that you know the zodiac signs that are the biggest liars, you should know that there are signs that are less or even very honest. It's about :
  • Aries who is too direct to lie because he is used to saying things openly.
  • Cancer which is characterized by its sensitivity but also by its honesty, it often has difficulty to lie.
  • Pisces which is the most transparent zodiac sign, so it does not use deception in everyday life.