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The Best Natural Toothache Remedy That Will Surprise Even Your Dentist

The Best Natural Toothache Remedy That Will Surprise Even Your Dentist

The Best Natural Toothache Remedy That Will Surprise Even Your Dentist

Caused by caries, an infection, an exposed root, a cracked tooth, a gum disease or a disorder of the jaw, the toothache varies between slight pain to the teeth or gums to a lancinating and disabling pain in everyday life . This is why it is necessary to quickly relieve pain with these 10 natural remedies!

The 10 natural remedies for dental pain

1. Essential oils

Some essential oils help relieve dental pain, such as those with chamomile, clove, cinnamon, peppermint, myrrh or the tea tree. Their effectiveness is due to their anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, which are effective against plaque and subgingival disorders. To apply them, soak a sterile compress of essential oil and dab the painful area. In case of too much tingling, add a little vegetable oil to the essential oil.

2. Garlic

Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties that significantly reduce dental pain. To use it, peel the garlic, put a clove in it and leave to rest as it is. Then, after adding salt, apply on the painful tooth. In addition, you can also chew raw garlic near the sore tooth several times a day.

3. Vanilla

Vanilla extract is one of the most popular natural remedies for treating toothache. Indeed, vanilla extract helps relieve pain because vanilla has a calming effect. Simply dip a cotton swab in the vanilla extract and swab the affected area. Renew the operation several times a day until you get relief.

4. Ice cubes

Ice helps relieve dental pain by numbing nerve endings. To enjoy the benefits of ice, you must wrap an ice cube in a thin cotton cloth. Then, apply on your cheek, the closest to the painful tooth, for a few minutes. However, if the nerves are sharp, contact with the cold can cause more pain. Therefore, be careful when applying.

5. Wheat grass juice

Wheatgrass contains natural antibacterial properties that help fight tooth decay and relieve toothache. First, extract the wheatgrass juice and use it as a mouthwash. This helps to absorb toxins and reduce the proliferation of bacteria.

6. Acupressure

Acupressure helps relieve dental pain by releasing endorphins, which are hormones of well-being. So, with the thumb, press the point at the base of the thumb and forefinger of your other hand. Hold the pressure for two minutes. However, this exercise should not be practiced by pregnant women.

7. Ginger paste and Cayenne pepper

Ginger and Cayenne pepper are spices that work against pain associated with toothache. So, to use them, prepare a paste made of ginger powder and cayenne pepper. Mix the two ingredients with a little water and then soak a cotton swab with the dough. Apply directly on the painful tooth avoiding direct contact with the gum so as not to irritate it further.

8. Salted water

Saltwater acts as a disinfectant in the area of the diseased tooth and helps remove some of the fluid that causes swelling and pain. To do this, simply dilute a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with the mixture for 30 seconds. Finally, spit out the salty solution.

9. Black tea

To relieve tooth pain, you can apply a soggy black tea bag to the diseased tooth. Indeed, black tea contains astringent tannins that help relieve swelling and pain.

10. Frozen foods

Just like ice cream, frozen foods help relieve dental and gum pain. First, freeze a chopped banana. Then, with each sign of pain, take a piece of banana and chew it. It will serve as a temporary anesthetic while creating a gentle massage that soothes dental pain.

For good oral hygiene, it is necessary to consult a dentist regularly, to brush your teeth after each meal and to use dental floss from time to time, to avoid cavities and other diseases.