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What The Color Of Your Eyes Reveals About You

What The Color Of Your Eyes Reveals About You

Color Of Your Eyes Reveals About You

Have you ever been told that your eyes are the mirror of your soul? According to a recent Swedish study, these would be much more than that: they would guide your senses, your emotions and your character, depending on their color. Discover today what the color of your eyes says about you!

Gray, brown, black, green, blue, whatever the color of your eyes, this one would seem to say a lot about you, your personality, your character, etc. In any case, some Swedish scientists who have taken the subject very seriously and who have studied the subject for many months to determine the different traits of character or personality one of the following colors!

Green eyes :
Green eyes represent only 2% of the world's population, making it one of the rarest eye colors in the world. They reflect a strong personality, but also an extreme sweetness in the person owning them. Unpredictable, yet with real self-control in most important life situations, the person with green eyes is a loving person who can enjoy life. Generous, seductive but also mysterious, these are often considered as unique people (a bit like the color of their eyes in the end!).

In addition, green eyes are widespread in Iceland (with 80% of the population having the eyes of this color). According to the study, this color is also very present in Central Asia, in countries such as Afghanistan.

Dark brown / black eyes:
Unlike green eyes, dark brown or black eyes appear to be the most prevalent in the world. These reveal a dynamic and daring personality. People with dark brown or black eyes are for the most part extremely ambitious. They know exactly what they want in life and never let it go down!

According to the study, it is sufficient for one parent to have brown eyes (chestnuts, blacks, hazelnuts) so that the children (at least some of them) also have eyes of the same color, because those They have so-called dominant genes compared to green, blue or gray eyes which possess a so-called recessive gene.

Gray eyes:
Just like green eyes, gray eyes seem to be rare. They translate a serious and balanced personality. People with the eyes of this color are of unparalleled kindness. They are conscientious, assiduous and are not only dedicated to their loved ones but also to their work.

According to the Swedish study, gray eyes would be very widespread in Eastern countries such as Russia but also in Scandinavian countries such as Finland, Norway or Sweden!

Blue eyes :
Still according to the study, it seems that blue eyes are the most envied in the world. This is indeed the most popular color of eyes although not widespread compared to dark colors (brown / black). It also reveals a personality both strong and sweet. The holders of this color are generally very sure of themselves but especially endowed with a limitless intelligence. They are honest people, brave, enthusiastic, also with a lot of humor!

Like gray eyes, blue eyes are mainly present in Eastern Europe but also in Scandinavia, not forgetting Western Europe. In the Mediterranean and Arab countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan) only 20% of the population has the eyes of this color!

Hazel eyes:
Like brown or black eyes, hazel-colored eyes are much more common than recessive-like eyes (blue, green, and gray). These have the distinction of presenting shades of colors unpublished ranging from honey to yellow! People with light brown eyes, called hazel, are enigmatic people, calm and thoughtful. They are spontaneous and independent and are often afraid of very few things in life.

The so-called "violet" eyes:
It is an enigmatic color, so many researches concerning its probable existence. It is true that if we often think of Elizabeth Taylor when we hear of purple eyes, this color does not exist in reality. It is simply a mixture of gray and blue, giving the impression that the color of your eyes is purple, especially in the sun.

The blue / gray mixture is nevertheless rare and often reflects an exceptional personality for the person who owns it. Dynamic, but also dreamy, creative and romantic, people with this particular eye color are often people with unique and wonderful destinies!