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Do Not Drink Coffee In The Morning When You Wake Up

Do Not Drink Coffee In The Morning When You Wake Up

Do Not Drink Coffee In The Morning When You Wake Up

On the terrace, at breakfast, at the end of the meal, in case of blues, in front of the television, after the evening, alone, with friends or with family, coffee is one of the most drunk drinks worldwide. In fact, global coffee consumption accounted for 155.6 million 60 kilo bags of coffee in 2016-2017, according to the United States Department of Agriculture.

That's why, with such a global consumption of coffee, everyone is wondering what the health benefits and harms of coffee are. So, to help you see more clearly, discover them!

Coffee, its benefits and its harmful effects on health

Many studies have discovered the benefits of coffee. Among these, it is found that coffee, in view of its caffeine content and antioxidants, stimulates memory, regulates blood sugar, fight against constipation and has a stimulating action for the body. In addition, thanks to its vasoconstrictor action, it acts on the cerebral arteries which helps relieve the pain related to migraine.

However, like any active substance, caffeine can also have negative effects on health. Indeed, coffee disrupts sleep by decreasing the secretion of melatonin, a hormone responsible for sleep and it would increase the risk of miscarriage and birth of stillborn children, hence his against-indication if pregnancy. In addition, a correlation has been observed between excessive coffee consumption and the development of colorectal cancer. For, beyond the components of coffee, the mode of consumption also entails risks, as is the case of fasting coffee consumption.

The risks of a cup of coffee fasting

Indeed, drinking a cup of coffee on an empty stomach has some risks that are harmful to the body and can cause various long-term conditions.

First, when the caffeine reaches the digestive system, stimulates acid secretion in the stomach, causing gastric irritation, the contractions of the intestine and the contractions of the gallbladder. In addition, coffee solicits the secretion of hydrochloric acid, that is, the acid to break down food, which hampers the normal process of food decomposition since secretion occurs before ingestion. As a result, food gets stuck in the stomach causing bloating and inflammation of the bowel.

In addition, drinking fasting coffee at awakening increases the level of cortisol. Indeed, it disturbs the vigilance and the biological clock but also the stress levels, which in the long term increases the risk of developing colon cancer in particular.

In conclusion, the secret of a good use of the coffee resides in a consumption adapted to its age, its needs, its state of health as well as at the time of its consumption, but never on an empty stomach. So, enjoy an espresso, a cappuccino, a latte or a mocha with precaution and moderation!