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7 Evidence That You Have An Ovarian Cyst, Do Not Ignore These Symptoms

7 Evidence That You Have An Ovarian Cyst, Do Not Ignore These Symptoms

Painful and plentiful rules, body aches, overwork, tiredness, major acne breakage, excessive weight gain, symptoms related to polycystic ovarian syndrome are numerous but very often ignored by the fairer who sees in them only simple hormonal imbalances ...

Far from being a simple hormonal imbalance, the polycystic ovary syndrome is more considered as a hormonal dysfunction like hypofertility ...

In Europe, 6 to 12% of women are affected by this syndrome and this evil, in fine, is very little understood, including by you ladies!

ovarian cyst ignore symptoms

But then, how to detect this symptoms? Are they so obvious to recognize or to identify? Answer…

There are many symptoms that will allow you to know, even before going to see a gynecologist, if you have polycystic ovarian syndrome, namely:
  • Painful, heavy, even chaotic rules (that is, abnormal bleeding during your menstrual period).
  • A frequent urge to urinate or difficulty urinating.
  • Pain during physical intimacy.
  • Excessive or abnormal weight gain
  • Nausea and repeated vomiting.
  • A loss of appetite or a feeling of fullness.
  • Appearances of increased pain in the lower back.

But by the way, what is polycystic ovary syndrome? Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder that often appears at the beginning of the menstrual cycle in women. It can also appear at a very advanced age, between twenties and thirties ...

This syndrome is characterized by an unusual increase in male hormones (androgens) in the ovaries, disrupting egg production. Instead of being released at the time of ovulation, the eggs turn into cysts. These accumulate in the ovaries and often increase in volume.

Generally benign, these cysts may yet be clever ... in these cases, we talk about ovarian cancer!

How to properly diagnose it?

After a thorough medical and gynecological examination (endovaginal ultrasound and abdominopelvic ultrasound), the gynecologist is able to determine if your menstrual pain is due to the presence of ovarian cysts, especially as this one, at this stage of the exam, is even able to visualize a possible tumor, and thus, to determine if the ovarian cysts present in your body are benign ... or malignant.

The surest way to confirm that this is ovarian cancer is still to puncture a sample of the tumor in question for analysis. If the tumor cells turn out to be malignant, then surgery or chemotherapy is planned.

Natural remedies
In addition, if you are prone to benign ovarian cysts (so safe for you despite their existence in your body), there are natural and effective ways to help you reduce the symptoms associated with this syndrome, such as licorice or still chaste tree, a shrub native to Greece and Italy renowned for its medicinal properties.

Licorice regulates your hormonal system. It also allows your cysts to not grow. Also known to improve adrenal function, licorice will certainly ease your ailments. For this, simply boil a little liquorice for 5 minutes in a saucepan and let the brew cool for another 5 minutes. Then filter the contents, and consume the beverage twice a day!

However, this plant is not recommended for people with hypertension, kidney failure or edema, or pregnant women. Diabetics and people on cortisone or dioxin therapy should not consume it.

Chaste tree
If the virtues of chaste tree are appreciated for more than 2000 years, it is perhaps not a coincidence. Indeed, this shrub has a reputation for regulating the female hormone cycle like no other element or ingredient. Like licorice, it regulates the hormonal system. It also relieves pelvic pain and even reduces the size of ovarian cysts ...

To enjoy all the benefits of chasteberry, simply infuse and consume one hour before breakfast, as soon as you wake up. In addition, the recommended daily dose is 20 to 40 mg.