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7 Terrible Side Effects Of The Contraceptive Pill That Gynecologists Want You To Know

7 Terrible Side Effects Of The Contraceptive Pill That Gynecologists Want You To Know

The contraceptives are numerous and allow to have physical intimacy without being anxious by the contagion of infectious diseases or by an unwanted pregnancy.

Whether it is the ring, the IUD, the condoms or the pills, each means of contraception is made to meet the needs of the partners especially in terms of comfort during the making love, but they sometimes have side effects that can vary and to be sometimes boring. This is the case of contraceptive pills which, once consumed, cause certain reactions in the body. Here is a list of side effects that are important to know in order to be better prepared and know what type of contraception to choose.

7 Terrible Effects Of The Contraceptive Pill That Gynecologists Want You To Know

Choosing a method of contraception is sometimes difficult because we do not always know if this method will be effective and adapted to our health. This is especially the case when one chooses means of oral contraception such as the pill. Here is a list of side effects that are important to know in order to better make your choice.

According to obstetrics professor Hilda Hutcherson, headaches can be noticed after taking the pill for a while, but these pains are temporary. In case they persist, it is advisable to consult a doctor and change brands.

Dizziness or vertigo
During pill use, effects such as dizziness and vertigo may occur. This is not a general rule for taking all the pills because the effects of each pill depend on the body of each woman. So, if taking a pill makes you feel dizzy, wait a bit to observe for a few days the reaction of the body. Do not hesitate to check your iron level because, according to midwife Anthony Weber, vertigo may appear when taking a pill after childbirth because of a lack of iron or a rate of low hemoglobin due to bleeding during delivery.

Sensitivity of the breasts
Oral contraception relatively frequently causes feelings of heaviness and stretching in the breasts. It is possible that a woman feels this kind of heaviness even when she does not take a pill, during her menstruation or just after. These sensations should not worry because it is just the estrogen level that increases in the blood. If your breasts are too sensitive and it bothers you a lot, you can always consult your doctor who can advise you and offer the best contraceptive.

Nausea may also occur during the first few months when taking birth control pills or using patches or vaginal rings. These nausea are supposed to disappear after a few months. One way that can help relieve nausea is to take his pill with food. If you use the ring or patch, you may need to change the method.

Side effect on the menstrual cycle
According to Dr. Hutcherson, women are more distraught when they see the effect of contraception on their menstrual cycle. If they do not take the pill every day at the same time, the cycle can be affected, causing bleeding that can sometimes be surprising. However, taking the pill at the same time every day can help to ensure daily personal health. On the other hand, taking a pill daily can make the rules lighter and can also eliminate the pain so dreaded by many women.

Decreased libido
Some women notice that their libido drops with taking the contraceptive pill. This is a reaction that is not common to all women, but it is not to be neglected. If the decline in libido is important to the point of disturbing your life as a couple, do not hesitate to change your pill to switch to a more suitable pill. You will find your libido.

Mood swings
According to Dr. Hutcherson, all hormonal methods are likely to cause the same effect. Birth control pills contain hormones that affect a woman's mood. Indeed, these hormones act on the brain, in the limbic system that plays an important role in behavior and emotions. 

Thus, the woman on contraception may experience emotional instability or anxiety. In case of mood swings, it is advisable to consult your doctor who may prescribe vitamin B6 supplementation (which plays a crucial role in the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin that regulates mood) or magnesium (which helps with relaxation, calms nervousness and promotes good mood.)