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17 Things That Men Love About Women

17 Things That Men Love About Women

The first contact with the other is always based on the physical, that's what we see first. But the physical can not be the only criterion for wanting to start a relationship. Whether you are a woman or a man, you need more things.

To really fall in love with a person, men - as well as women - need to be so charmed by the mental qualities of their partner. Respect, education, kindness, compassion are among the things that most appeal to men. In this article you will discover this list of irresistible qualities!

Things That Men Love About Women

17 qualities that men find attractive in women

1. Calm:
Being in relation with a calm person is very favorable to the continuity of the couple. Although disputes are part of the life of a couple, being able to communicate calmly with your partner is even better than managing conflicts by shouting.

2. Cleanliness:
The beauty of a woman is not just about perfect makeup. Men find women more attractive when they are clean. For them, women who smell good, have clean hair and moisturized skin are more attractive than a perfectly made-up woman.

3. Intelligence:
Physical attraction can be important during a meeting, but once the stage of seduction is over, the couple needs to discover themselves intellectually and be able to share subjects together. A smart woman often attracts men by her mentality, her ambition and her way of perceiving life in general.

 4. Attention:
Instinctively, men and women are attracted to people who could potentially care for them when needed. A man is often attracted to a caring woman who reminds him of his mother's unconditional attention.

5. Creativity:
The creativity here is the woman's ability to approach life in a new and exciting way. A man wants a woman who can help him find unique solutions to the problems of life.

6. The discipline:
A man is first and foremost attracted by a woman who will share his life forever, he seeks values that will guarantee a stable and sustainable home. Discipline is therefore one of the values sought by man, because a well-bred woman will make a good mother.

7. Loyalty:
Saying bad things about your friends, lying or betraying their loved ones can destabilize the partner. Doubt will settle and the man will tell himself that sooner or later this woman will end up doing the same thing to her. But a loyal woman is always appreciated especially since she inspires confidence through her behaviors.

8. Friendliness:
If you ask a man why he loves his wife, he could tell you because he loves the way she manages to make friends with everyone or the way she treats others with respect. and kindness. Nothing is more attractive than humility and the ability to treat others with respect.

9. Authenticity:
All girls are now appearing on social networks in the same way. But in the midst of all these fetishistic tendencies, a man will always be attracted by an authentic woman, different from others and who does not look like anyone.

10. Maturity:
Maturity has nothing to do with the age of a person. Mental and emotional maturity is a quality that all men seek because it is not easy to go out with a woman who has not grown up since she was 12 years old.

11. Optimism:
This quality is sought after in men and women, it is very pleasant and motivating to have in front a person who has the ability to always see the glass half full, instead of seeing it half empty.

12. Punctuality:
Men understand that women need more time to get ready before a date, but that does not prevent punctuality from being appreciated. This reflects the commitment and respect that the person has towards the other and it is a pretty attractive quality.

13. Tolerance:
The wisdom of a person lies in their ability to pass the sponge and not dwell on conflicts. A tolerant woman will always be attractive to a man.

14. Romanticism:
A romantic woman is more attractive than a cold woman. Who would not want to have a person in his life who is sweet and overflowing with affection?

15. Respect:
Respect for him and for others is a characteristic that every man finds attractive to the woman.

16. Compassion:
It is very easy to fall in love with someone who is absolutely kind and compassionate to others!

17. Love:
To feel loved and appreciated by one's partner is to exist. It is a feeling to which a man can not remain insensitive.