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That's What Happens To Your Body If You Do Not Shower For Only 2 Days

That's What Happens To Your Body If You Do Not Shower For Only 2 Days

You probably have a shower every day, but do you know that 60 years ago, people did not shower so much? Jumping a day or two or more is not the end of the world but it can be unpleasant! In this article, you will discover everything you need to know about daily showering.

The human body carries several hundred types of bacteria and about forty types of mushrooms, but rest assured that most are good and even essential for health. Indeed, many dermatologists claim that daily showering can hurt the skin but feeling bad can also affect your social life. In France, only 57% of French people take a shower daily according to a poll by BVA Doméo Presse Régionale, although the percentage of people taking a daily shower is only 43%, the French are much cleaner than many people living in the country. 'other countries.

That's What Happens To Your Body If You Do Not Shower For Only 2 Days

Daily shower, what effect on your health?

Daily showering can cause dry, itchy skin and has been shown to aggravate skin conditions such as dermatitis or eczema. The daily shower, especially with very hot water and in winter, leads to red and irritated dehydrated skin. Washing the body with soap and warm water also reduces the good bacteria on the skin, leaving us vulnerable and open to an increased risk of infection.

Some of us are more sensitive to the side effects of daily showering especially children and the elderly. Children's skin is much more delicate than that of adults and can become dry and damaged more easily. Unless your child is playing outside or is very dirty, he does not need a bath every day. Likewise, older people have skin that is thinner and more likely to become chapped.

In addition to this, the products used during the shower can also promote dryness of the skin. That's why some experts suggest using shower products only on the underarms, groin and feet to reduce body odor.

The impact of the daily shower on social life

As mentioned above, daily showering can have negative effects on your skin, but sweat causes body odor that can also annoy you and those around you. Whether you are in a professional or personal environment, feeling bad is not always pleasant for you or for others.

The sweat itself does not stink, it is the bacteria that thrive in damp places in your body that give off an unpleasant odor. In fact, the sweat of a healthy body is odorless. Now, the type of bacteria that thrives on your body and their particular smell are closely related to the food you eat and what your body does to eliminate it. In other words, bacteria are largely influenced by their environment.

The unpleasant smell is a fact that, according to the experts, reflects an affirmation of self, it is an expression of who we are and who we want to be. Delphine de Swardt is the specialist in perfume communication and researcher at the Sorbonne University, she explains that at work for example, we will despise the one who does not feel good, and we will fear the one who perfumes a little too much generously. Hygiene is therefore an extremely sensitive point in society.

How to smell good while reducing your risk of dry skin?

Now that you know all about the pros and cons of daily showering, here's how you can take showers while reducing the risk of dry skin:
  • Try to use warm water rather than really hot water: Hot water opens the pores, so the skin is vulnerable to infections.
  • Applying a good moisturizer, whether in the shower or just after it, will keep the skin soft and supple and reduce chapping, cracking and flaking.
  • Opt for natural products that fight against perspiration such as baking soda, or organic deodorants.
  • For some the shower is the only moment of relaxation they enjoy quietly without the hassle of everyday life! You can not live without it? Use natural soaps like Aleppo soap, which contains only olive oil, ideal for moisturizing the skin and does not contain any chemical compounds.