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Your Emotional State Affects Your Baby In The Womb

Your Emotional State Affects Your Baby In The Womb

Pregnancy is an upsetting time for every woman because she mixes both joy and apprehension. Indeed, it is a new responsibility, present and future, where the behavior of the mother influences the development and the well-being of her baby. Thus, we know that tobacco, alcohol and certain foods are harmful for the fetus but what about the emotions of the mother? Explanations.

Your Emotional State Affects Your Baby In The Womb

All women go through a variety of emotions during pregnancy, from laughter to tears in a split second. The fault, in addition to normal apprehensions, is pregnancy hormones, progesterone and estrogen, which are responsible for the emotional instability of a pregnant woman. So, even though these emotions are part of the pregnancy experience, what are the consequences for the baby when he is in his mother's womb?

The impact of emotions on the baby during pregnancy

According to a study conducted by two researchers, the emotions as well as the psychological state of the mother affect positively or not the development of the fetus in utero. The study emphasizes that the fetus is able to feel and perceive external stimuli (sounds, touch) through a "transnational" transmission, that is to say from the fetal stage to the postnatal stage, that it memorizes this prenatal experience and especially that the feelings of his mother impact his own ability to manage his emotions from birth. Indeed, depending on the reactions and the emotional and psychological state of his mother, a baby will not anticipate in the same way the future stages of his life. For example, if a mother is anxious about childbirth, her baby may be born tense and stressed. Thus, from the fifth month of pregnancy (the moment when the woman feels the movements of the fetus and the communication is easier), talking to her baby in utero and being positive maintains the privileged link between a mother. and his child but also helps to preserve the health of the child.

The emotions and major psychological states

Note that certain emotions and major psychological states influence the baby more, as is the case of:

Stress and anxiety:
According to a study on the effects of prenatal stress, conducted by the Institute of Reproductive End Developmental Biology at Imperial College London (London, UK), if a mother is stressed and anxious during pregnancy, her child will be more at risk for emotional problems, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), behavioral disorders and impaired cognitive development. A change in the fingerprints of the child has even been found and this phenomenon could be consequent to disturbances of brain development. Indeed, prenatal stress is linked to changes in the structure and brain function. It should be noted that the postnatal environment and the care provided to the newborn improve or aggravate the effects of prenatal stress on the development of the child, from a psychological and physical point of view.

The Depression
During pregnancy, it is possible to suffer from depression. Indeed, in view of the hormonal changes and the stress generated by the arrival of a baby (change of life, role of mother, role of parents, couple, lack of support etc ...), some pregnant women face a real pain. The latter is illustrated in particular by sleep and mood disorders, loss or increase of appetite, extreme fatigue, total indifference and permanent sadness. Untreated, this condition may be responsible for premature deliveries but it also affects the relationship between the mother and her fetus, which increases the risk that the child will suffer from health and emotional problems later. 

In addition, postpartum depression is also the cause of relationship difficulties between a newborn and his mother and behavioral problems on the part of the child. In fact, according to an American study by Northwestern University's Feinberg Shcool of Medicine (Chicago, USA), children, whose parents suffered from postpartum depression, are more violent, more anxious, and cry more frequently. than the others.

Happiness and joy
Just as a fetus feels negative emotions during pregnancy, it feels positive emotions such as joy and happiness. Thus, during the gestation period, when a woman eats a sweet dish that she likes, the baby will feel it as well. But much more, it was shown by researchers at Lancaster University and Durham University (UK) that the baby was able to laugh and cry in his mother's womb.