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If Your Eye Is Shaking, That's What It Means!

If Your Eye Is Shaking, That's What It Means!

Our body sends us messages, in the form of symptoms, to express an underlying disorder or disease. Among these, we find eye disorders such as blurred vision, a trembling eye or a palpitating eyelid. These phenomena are often disturbing and we wonder why they appear, especially when it comes to the eyes. Explanations.

Eye Is Shaking

Ocular palpitations

Ocular palpitations, or fasciculations, are illustrated by frequent and involuntary muscle twitches of the eyelid. This is the twitching of the eyelid muscle due to the activation of a nerve fiber.

As a fairly common disorder, eyelid tremor may be a sign of magnesium, calcium deficiency, visual fatigue, or the result of spasmophilia or anxiety. In addition, certain factors are at the origin of such an eye disorder as lack of sleep, stress, excessive consumption of caffeine, neurological damage as well as certain diseases involved.

Ocular palpitations diseases

If you suffer from ocular palpitations associated with spasms affecting the entire face, swollen and red eyes, ocular discharge, complete closure of the eyelid or drooping of the eyelid, it may act of the appearance of:


Blepharospasm is characterized by focal dystonia, a neurological pathology of muscle contraction. This disorder causes muscle spasms in the eyelids, which close in an uncontrollable and repetitive manner. Several forms of this disease exist including hemifacial spasm, affecting only one side of the face or both, the spasm of the orbicular muscles, affecting only the eyelids or the Meige syndrome, which affects the eyelids, neck and jaw in particular .

Although blepharospasm remains stable, symptoms tend to worsen over time, possibly leading to permanent closure of the eyelids. The consequences are then visual and social. Indeed, driving, reading, traveling and work are undermined.

Fortunately, some measures help relieve symptoms such as rest, wearing specific glasses at the time of reading, or working on a screen. In addition, it seems that yawning, singing or chewing temporarily control muscular contractions of the eyelids.

Charcot's disease

Also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's disease, Charcot's disease is a condition that progressively affects neurons and causes muscle weakness that turns into paralysis.

Since this disease affects motor neurons, which aim to send movement orders from the brain to the muscles, the entire body is impacted. Eyelids through the arms and legs, even the muscles of the breathing are affected and it happens that at an advanced stage, the patient can no longer feed.

Beginning at the average age of 55, Charcot's disease causes 5,000 to 7,000 patients. Although there is no specific cause, some risk factors are present including hereditary terrain, prolonged exposure to pesticides and heavy metals, smoking, oxidative stress or severe physical trauma. Currently, treatments do not allow the complete cure of the disease but they consist in limiting its evolution.

Therefore, if you suffer from ocular palpitations that last more than one week and have the above-mentioned symptoms, be sure to consult your doctor.