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7 Reasons To Stop Eating Tuna, # 2, Will Make You Fall From Your Chair

7 Reasons To Stop Eating Tuna, # 2, Will Make You Fall From Your Chair

Many people consider that eating fish is very healthy. Indeed it is the case. It is even essential to have a balanced diet because of its richness in nutrients and vitamins. Among the most popular fish varieties are tuna. But this fish that we often eat in a box can become dangerous for health. Explanations.

7 Reasons To Stop Eating Tuna

Here are 7 reasons to consider before opening a can of tuna:

1. High sodium
Canned tuna is particularly popular with athletes because of its high protein content because it helps them develop their muscles. But a single can of tuna can also contain more than 600 mg of sodium, which can increase blood pressure and cause embolism (sudden obstruction of an artery or blood vessel).

2. Absorption of heavy metals
Tuna are predators, which means that they feed on smaller fish and end up consuming heavy metals such as mercury, which accumulate throughout the food chain. When humans eat tuna, they also ingest these metals. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), even a small amount of mercury can damage the digestive system, kidneys, skin and the immune system. Too much mercury can increase the risk of heart attacks by up to 70% and can cause brain damage that can be manifested by problems with concentration and other cognitive disorders. Although in most cases the concentration of mercury in the fish is low enough not to worry, there are always risks especially when it is consumed very regularly.

3. Massive tuna farming
Demand for fish continues to grow around the world, but at the same time, fish stocks continue to decline. This situation has led to a gradual increase in fish hatcheries. In these places, tuna grow in an overcrowded environment, where they are fattened and sold. Livestock farming contributes to depleting fishing resources because of the large amount of fish needed to feed tuna, which aggravates overfishing.

4. Massive chemicals
Currently, the oceans are highly polluted, full of toxic products that fish consume passively. These chemicals include polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins, two carcinogenic substances found in the fat layer of many types of fish.

5. Risk of food poisoning
Eating farmed or canned fish can be dangerous. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 75% of cases of food poisoning in the world are caused by the consumption of these products of the sea. However, it is important to keep in mind that the freshness and the way of prepare food play a fundamental role in these cases.

6. Tuna fishing kills dolphins
Tuna are not the only sea creatures trapped in giant nets. Dolphins, sharks and many other animals end up dead with tuna.

7. Ocean pollution
The fishing industry is responsible for much of the world's water pollution. The nets, pulleys and many other typical mechanisms of fishing boats are made of plastic and metal parts, which often end up in the water. This type of pollution is deadly for marine life, especially for waterfowl (wild waterfowl), which often confuses plastic and food, is trapped and sometimes ends up suffocating.

As you can see, fishing and tuna consumption are not as harmless as you thought and are even part of a big problem.

So, which fish to consume?

If you want to continue to enjoy the fish, it is better to take into consideration its fishing method, its origin, and the management of its breeding. We offer you here some species that it is advisable to consume, because they do not know overfishing and their breeding is well managed:

- Pacific cod, mackerel, white hake, sardines, Pacific salmon, Hastings sole, trout, European turbot, albacore tuna, and gray bream.

However, for species of fish to avoid, which are overfished, in the process of extinction, or whose breeding is harmful to the environment, we find:

- Sea bass, ray, shark, saber, Atlantic salmon, bluefin tuna, swordfish, cod, Atlantic halibut and Greenland halibut, and pink sea bream.