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These Foods Protect Your Heart And Open Your Arteries

These Foods Protect Your Heart And Open Your Arteries

Scientifically speaking, an artery is one of the blood vessels that leave the ventricles of the heart, distributing oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. The blood circulating in the veins is necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Also, the body may be in danger if an artery is clogged.

Foods Protect Your Heart And Open Your Arteries

Causes of obstruction of arteries.

There are several factors that cause obstruction of the arteries:
  • Inflammation of the artery wall that affects the legs, also called "arteritis".
  • Cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes that cause the progressive formation of atheromatous plaque (accumulation of fat, blood, limescale on part of the inner wall of an artery).
  • The blood clot that prevents blood flow to a specific area.
  • Foods rich in saturated fats, sugars and processed chemicals, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption or lack of physical exercise, are all factors of obstruction of the arteries. This is called arteriosclerosis, which is characterized by thickening, hardening and loss of elasticity of the artery walls. It is a major risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke.

How can we avoid obstruction of the arteries

According to American researcher Dr. Dean Ornish, to avoid clogging the arteries, it would be imperative to opt for a healthy diet. For this purpose, there are a variety of foods that are beneficial to health that can overcome this complication.

1. Kiwi and Cantaloupe melon: are two antioxidant-rich cardio-protective fruits that reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the blood as well as plaque adhered to the arterial walls. During a scientific experiment, participants ate 2 kiwis a day. They reduced the risk of blood clotting by 18% after only 28 days.

2. Fatty fish: Salmon, tuna and herring are rich in omega 3 and are a source of good fats preventing the formation of plaque that clogs the arteries.

3. Berries and red grapes: The reason red is an antioxidant and the flavonoids it contains fight the bad cholesterol and prevents it from oxidizing. Strawberries, cherries, cranberries and other berries also contain potent antioxidants and are rich in vitamins.

4. Garlic: This food has many medicinal properties. Allicin, which is found in high amounts in garlic, reduces blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels.

5. Apples and grapefruit: as the saying goes: an apple a day keeps the doctor away. The pectin in this fruit reduces the bad cholesterol, while the minerals, potassium and magnesium help to control the blood pressure. In addition, the flavonoids contained in grapefruit have a beneficial effect on the rigidity of the arteries and promotes blood circulation.

6. Spinach: this vegetable, rich in iron and vitamins A and C, helps prevent the development of plaques on the arterial walls. Popeye's favorite food also contains a lot of potassium and folic acid to help lower blood pressure.

7. Olive oil: it contains essential fatty acids that help clean the arteries to lower cholesterol and minimize heart risk. It is a type of monounsaturated fat that is less likely to oxidize and form plaques on the arterial walls.

8. Tomato: it is a food rich in antioxidants that prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Consumed regularly, it reduces by half the risk of arteriosclerosis (hardening and loss of elasticity of the arteries wall).

9. Green tea: Flavonoids in green tea are powerful antioxidants. They prevent the formation of blood clots and maintain the walls of healthy arteries.

10. Pomegranate: Another fruit rich in antioxidants that helps prevent hardening of the arteries and reduce the risk of heart attack. It improves the blood flow in the heart and keeps the arteries free of fatty deposits.

11. Oats: Because of its high content of soluble fiber including beta glucan, oats reduce bad cholesterol and improve heart health.

12. Nuts: They contain polyunsaturated fat that is found mainly in oils and foods of plant origin and can improve cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and regulate blood pressure. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids that help clear clogged arteries.

13. Turmeric: The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, prevents the development of clogged arteries, which is a major risk for triggering heart attacks and strokes.

To maintain the health of our body and more specifically our heart, it is essential to promote a healthy and balanced diet that, combined with regular physical activity, stopping smoking and reducing stress, will maintain our good heart health.