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19 Tips From Maria Montessori That Will Help You Become A Perfect Parent For Your Children

19 Tips From Maria Montessori That Will Help You Become A Perfect Parent For Your Children

Having a child is a dream of many couples, but being a parent does not mean being necessarily all the tools necessary to carry out the education of your offspring. The first years of evolution of an individual are very marked by the presence of the parents who play a determining role in his life. It is the latter who will, in one way or another, set up benchmarks that will accompany children for the rest of their lives.

Perfect Parent For Your Children

Valuable lessons for parents

Maria Montessori is part of a small group of educators who helped revolutionize the way we think about children's education in the 20th century.

This psychiatrist, anthropologist and avant-garde pedagogue was a precursor in the understanding of the child. She has devoted much of her life to developing an educational pedagogy for the sake of children.

Maria Montessori was well known for formulating short but memorable commands for parents. They are all essentially simple, but are an immeasurable source of wisdom.

So we decided to share 19 of his famous commandments, so that as parents you can steer your children's lives in the right direction and not harm them without realizing it.
  1. Children learn about their surroundings.
  2. If a child is often criticized, he learns to condemn others.
  3. If a child is often congratulated, he learns to consider others.
  4. If a child shows hostility, he will learn to fight.
  5. If you are honest with a child, he will eventually learn the meaning of fairness.
  6. If a child is very often made a mockery, he becomes shy.
  7. If a child feels safe, he will learn to trust people.
  8. If a child is too often driven to feel shame, he will always learn to feel guilty.
  9. If a child receives frequent encouragement, he will have a high self-esteem.
  10. If a child complies with the reality of the constraints, he will learn patience
  11. If a child receives support, he will be confident.
  12. If a child lives in an atmosphere of friendship and feels that others need him, he will learn how to find love.
  13. Never speak badly about a child, neither in his presence nor otherwise.
  14. Focus on feeding the good to a child. In this way, there will be no room for the wicked in this world.
  15. Listen and always answer questions or requests from a child if he or she approaches you.
  16. Respect a child even if he makes a mistake. He will be able to correct it soon enough.
  17. Always be ready to help a child who needs help and stay away once they have found everything they need.
  18. Help a child master the things of life soon enough. This can be done by ensuring that the world around him is filled with affection, peace and love.
  19. Always show the best manners in front of a child. Show him how a person can be the best possible.

So read carefully each of these points and check if you fully respect them in your daily report to your children. Being a parent has never been more than a matter of love, protection or authority, the parent-child relationship is based on all these things at once. So find the balance between these elements and remember that the key to building a healthy relationship with your children, or your family in general, is undeniably dialogue.