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Detoxify The Liver, Colon And Kidneys In A 48-hour Weekend To Remove All Toxins From Your Body

Detoxify The Liver, Colon And Kidneys In A 48-hour Weekend To Remove All Toxins From Your Body

Most of the ailments we suffer daily, such as fatigue, digestive disorders, anxiety or repeated infections, come from an accumulation of toxins that hinder the proper functioning of the body. Indeed, the latter faces our lifestyle and external aggression, which is why it is recommended to perform occasional detox treatments.

Moreover, when we want to detoxify our body, we must target the main organs to clean, namely: the liver, colon and kidneys.

Detoxify The Liver, Colon And Kidneys

These three organs constitute the internal detoxification system of the body and it is their synergy that allows it to self-clean. Thus, the liver's mission is to filter and fight against the passage of toxins in the blood, the colon participates in the evacuation of these harmful substances and the kidneys purify the blood while eliminating the latter through the urine. But when they are overloaded by the accumulation of toxins, their operation is undermined. These include fatigue, constipation, bloating, diarrhea, joint and muscle pain, mood swings, weakened immune systems, rashes, and recurrent infections.

Thus, to stop this phenomenon, it is advisable to carry out a detox cure in order to cleanse and purify the liver, the colon and the kidneys. To do this, here is a detox cure of 48 hours, to plan during a weekend!

The detox cure of the weekend

The weekend detox course consists of a breakfast, lunch and dinner based on foods that promote intestinal transit and elimination of toxins. Among these are fruits and vegetables (prunes, cabbage, apples, black radish, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries, grapefruit, carrot, beet), whole grains (buckwheat, quinoa, millet), lean proteins (white meats , fish, eggs) and vegetables (chickpea, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds), condiments (rosemary, turmeric, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, ginger) as well as specific detox drinks.

Moreover, here are three recipes of detox drinks, to consume during the weekend and for each next detox cure, in order to clean the colon, the liver and the kidneys:

Detox water for the colon

  • 300 ml of water
  • 2 tablespoons of juice of half a lemon bio
  • 2 tablespoons organic maple syrup
  • 1 pinch of cayenne pepper powder


Mix all the ingredients until you obtain a homogeneous texture. Keep the detox water in an airtight glass bottle in the refrigerator. Drink this drink throughout your two days detox to cleanse the colon, thanks to the digestive and depurative virtues of pepper and lemon.

Detox juice with parsley for the kidneys

  • 8 cups of water
  • 2 tablespoons of organic honey
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 large handful of fresh parsley
  • ½ organic lemon squeezed

First, start by washing the cucumber and cutting it into pieces then clean the parsley and chop it. Then mix the cucumber, parsley, water, honey and lemon juice with a blender, until you obtain a homogeneous texture. Arrange in an airtight glass bottle and consume during the day as a snack. At once moisturizing, refreshing and appetite suppressant, this parsley juice promotes the cleansing of the kidneys as it increases the production of urine and urine flow while stimulating the digestive and immune system.

Beet smoothie for the liver

  • 250 ml of water
  • 1 raw carrot
  • 1 raw green apple
  • 1 raw beet


Once the fruits and vegetables have been thoroughly washed, cut them and mix them. As you go, add the water to get a more or less consistent smoothie texture. About 30 minutes before lunch and dinner, drink this beetroot smoothie. It will cleanse your liver with the antioxidant and purifying properties of beets, carrots and green apples.

Note that to maximize the benefits of a detox cure, you should be well hydrated, exercise and enjoy quality sleep.

WARNINGS: A detox cure must be performed with medical follow-up because some foods may interact with drug treatments, including anticoagulants. Similarly, in cases of diabetes, digestive disorders, hepatic, biliary, kidney problems, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory, pregnancy and breastfeeding, the detox treatments are contraindicated.