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People Crying In Front Of Movies Are Very Special, Say Researchers

People Crying In Front Of Movies Are Very Special, Say Researchers

Do you know how crying in front of a moving scene of a movie reveals some aspects of the human being? This is not an exceptional act, it happened to us all at one time or another and still today, a part of the population and in particular the men, assimilate this to a sign of weakness whereas it does not is not the case.

People Crying In Front Of Movies Are Very Special

Indeed, on the substance, to show some form of emotion by shedding some tears in front of a film is not shameful or embarrassing, just shows how human can be empathic and compassion. Find out to what extent empathy is one of the greatest positive faculties of everyone.

Even if some human beings do not have the ability, we all have the memory of not being able to hold back our tears in front of a film of emotional or sad nature. This expression of our buried emotions is quite normal and revealing of what drives us deep inside us and proves some form of empathy and therefore emotional strength on our part.

Empathy, a matter of interaction with each other

Empathy is a faculty of the personality which is defined by the ability to feel appropriate emotions in response to those emitted by others. Better still, it allows to be aware of the source of the emotion of the other by putting himself mentally in his place in an intuitive way. This shows a certain emotional strength and demonstrates how emotionally capable the human being is of having strong altruistic resources. 

The operation is the same as when we watch a movie and we are faced with scenes or characters that trigger a certain form of emotionality even if in reality we are dealing with scenes or emotions purely fictitious ... This simply reveals our compassion in our interactions with others.

Pouring a few tears or crying in front of a movie can also be a direct manifestation of long-buried memories or emotions that have never been or are almost externalized. This emotional manifestation emerges when the person recognizes himself in a situation or faces emotions that he has experienced in the past. This healthy unconscious process is good for the body and the mind and helps evacuate an excess of emotions that the person in question might not have been able to discharge in time.

These emotional manifestations obviously also have their scientific explanations. Indeed, a study conducted by researchers at the Claremont Graduate School has shown that when the human being reacts unconsciously in this way, he secretes a hormone: oxytocin, also called "moral molecule" by Paul J. Zak , neuro-economist at the Claremont Graduate School. 

It works by helping to be more understanding, more lovable, naturally more connected to others, and thus empathize with emotionally strong people. As opposed to people who can not demonstrate it and who, as a result, have a certain deficit at the relational level.

In the Paul J. Zak experiment on oxytocin, the study's participants viewed a video of the Saint Jude Children's Hospital in Memphis, USA, where some of the topics followed the discussion. a father about the late-stage cancer of his son Ben and the second part, watched for Ben and his father visiting a zoo.

The part of the video in which we see Ben's father talking about his son's late-stage cancer is obviously the one that triggered the most emotional displays from the participants and clearly showed a 47% increase in oxytocin levels in the blood. They also demonstrated that they were far more likely to be generous with others and give money to charities and were much happier than those who did not perform this act of altruism.

In summary, shedding tears or crying in front of certain scenes of a film shows how compassionate, caring and empathetic can be the human being and how proud he can be! This highlights a real mental strength and certainly not a form of weakness. So do not be ashamed of your emotions, never hold back your tears!