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4 Signs That Your Body Contains Acidity And That You Will Develop Diseases

4 Signs That Your Body Contains Acidity And That You Will Develop Diseases

Do you feel tired all the time without making any effort? Do you have heart palpitations? If your answer to these questions is yes, there may be high levels of acidity in your body fluids. Do not ignore these alarming signs that your body sends you.

Every body organ is likely to be affected by acidity. Our lungs, bones, brain, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines and skin. 

Discover in this article, the 4 blatant signs that your body is too acidic and how to fix it.

Signs Body Contains Acidity

The acidity of your body refers to the amount of acid in your body fluids, while "alkalinity" refers to the ability of these body fluids to neutralize the acid.

What is acidity?

Liquids help the body work well. Without them, it can not degrade food or carry the necessary nutrients. They must stay at a certain level to avoid damaging your organs. Experts measure acid levels with a marker known as pH that can determine our overall health status - and whether or not we are at risk for serious illness.

- Normal pH of saliva: from 7 to 7.5

- Normal pH of the blood: from 7.35 to 7.45

- Normal pH of the urine: between 5.8 and 6.2. (The urine is normally acidic)

(Readings below 5 indicate high acidity)

For Dr Warburg, a normal pH level in the body would be in the vicinity of 7.365. And any other medium below 6 would be ideal for the propagation of cancer cells.

Some health problems related to high acidity in the body:

  • Sensitive and inflamed gums
  • Immunodeficiency
  • Breathing problems, shortness of breath, coughing
  • Low energy and chronic fatigue
  • Cardiovascular disorders such as the constriction of blood vessels
  • Heart problems, arrhythmias, fast heart rate
  • Obesity and diabetes
  • Infections of the bladder and kidneys
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • Headache, confusion, drowsiness

The 4 signs that your body is too acidic:

Bone fragility
Too much acid in the body can lead to the loss of essential minerals that help the organs function because the blood then absorbs the alkaline elements in the bones so that the body can cope with this acidity. One of them is calcium, the mineral needed to strengthen bones. The lack of calcium leads to a weakened bone structure, otherwise known as 'osteoporosis'.

Dental sensitivity
The loss of calcium also affects the teeth. When the body loses calcium, the enamel is affected. A 2015 study published in The Journal of Chemical Engineering asserted that high acidity leads to damage the tooth enamel. The teeth become more fragile and develop a sensitivity to particular foods including sweet.

Skin problems
Toxins that accumulate in the body harm the skin. They impede blood flow, so the skin can not get rid of them by sweating. The body becomes subject to diseases such as eczema and acne.

Immune system
In addition to the deficiency of essential minerals caused by high acidity, it can damage the adrenal glands. This disrupts the liver's ability to break down food and then accumulates toxins

Some tips to reduce acidity in your body:

1. Drink plenty of filtered water every day (spring water is the best). This will help remove toxic substances from the body at a faster rate.

2. Eat more green foods - they are incredibly alkaline.

3. Your emotional state also affects the PH of your body. Anger, fear, resentment and jealousy produce the acidity of bodily fluids. The practice of meditation or yoga will help you de-stress.

4. Avoid GM foods, animal products, processed foods, sugar, alcoholic beverages and sodas.

6. Increase your consumption of alkaline foods - vegetables and fruits nuts, seeds and legumes.

7. Drinking lemon water can help balance acid levels.