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15 Signs That A Heart Attack Is About To Happen To You

15 Signs That A Heart Attack Is About To Happen To You

The heart is one of the most important organs of the human body, its main function is to ensure a good blood circulation, by pumping the blood into the vessels as well as the heart cavities. If this organ is affected, the vital function is endangered, and death may occur.

Heart attack is one of the most feared diseases by doctors. Unfortunately, this condition is affecting more and more people in different age groups and categories. In this article, we show you the list of the 15 most alarming signs.

Signs That A Heart Attack Is About To Happen To You

1 - Anxiety:
Do not panic ! Anxiety can be due to several causes, much less dangerous than heart attack. However, this is one of the most common symptoms of this condition. Because, we agree, when the heart is not working well, breathing becomes difficult, and we can not feel good about ourselves, if we breathe badly.

2 - Nausea and Indigestion:
Excess fat around the heart prevents it from working properly, which can negatively impact the digestive system. This symptom is more common in women than men. But if your digestive problems persist, we advise you to consult your doctor as soon as possible!

3 - You cough frequently:
If you cough more frequently than usual, or if you have difficulty breathing, for no obvious reason, this could be a sign of heart failure, or myocardial infarction.

4 - Dizziness and general weakness:
Cardiac dysfunction can cause difficulty in concentration and a feeling of dizziness, because a heart that is malfunctioning can not give the brain the amount of oxygen it needs to function properly.

5 - Fatigue:
Everyone feels tired, would you say, but beware! This symptom is not to be taken lightly, if your fatigue persists, but you can not know the cause, you must consult your doctor.

6 - You feel breathless:
Many patients who have had a heart attack report that they have had difficulty breathing before it occurs. This is due to the failure of distribution of oxygen in the body, which results from dysfunction of the heart muscle.

7 - Edema of certain parts of the body:
When the heart is not functioning properly, the blood circulation is affected, this causes several problems, like for example, the retention of water. This explains the significant weight gain in some patients with heart problems.

8 - You feel weak:
Do you know that feeling of weakness that you feel just before getting sick? When your body becomes so fragile that you have only one desire? You lie on your bed and make no effort. It is this sensation that we speak to you.
Indeed, general weakness is one of the most common symptoms of heart failure, it is caused by several factors such as poor blood circulation, and oxygen deficiency.

9 - Pain in the neck and jaw:
Who would have doubted that a pain in the jaw or neck could be a symptom of a heart attack? You will understand, the symptoms of heart failure can be very varied and above all very unlikely!

10 - Feeling of numbness:
If it is accompanied by other symptoms, the feeling of numbness should alarm you and take you to consult a specialist. The latter is due to a problem of blood circulation in certain parts of the body.

11 - You notice a change in your complexion:
Changing the color of your skin is one of the latest symptoms of myocardial infarction. If you notice an alteration of your skin color. Do not wait, consult your doctor!

12 - You sweat excessively, and suffer from cold sweats:
Before a heart attack, the body produces catecholamine, this substance causes several changes in the body, including excessive sweating and cold sweats.

13 - Your heartbeat becomes irregular:
Altered heart rate can be the result of many diseases, and you should always consult your doctor as soon as you notice a change in your heartbeat. Prevention is better than cure !

14 - Pain under the armpits:
If you notice persistent pain in the armpits, we recommend that you consult a health specialist. Indeed, this pain could be caused by a bad supply of the heart by the blood or a dysfunction of the cardiac rhythm.

15 - Localized pain in the chest:
Finally, one of the most alarming signs is chest pain. If for a few days you have persistent pain in your chest, we advise you to consult your doctor without delay.