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3 Ways To Get Rid Of Moisture In Our Home Quickly And Permanently

3 Ways To Get Rid Of Moisture In Our Home Quickly And Permanently

When moisture attacks our homes, it's hard to get rid of it. Ceilings and walls can suffer but also our health. With high humidity, you feel heavy and the air quality is no longer healthy. A house is said to be wet when it reaches a hydrometric rate greater than 60%. So what must be done to eliminate it and have a healthy air at home?

Moisture and fungi develop in the humidity, which can cause sensitivities, especially in asthmatic subjects. The most moisture-prone areas are ceilings, basements, exterior and interior walls. Dark spots can appear giving the appearance of a neglected house.

The causes of indoor humidity
Various factors can be responsible for the humidity of the walls and other places in the house:

Bad ventilation of the house
More and more houses are not sufficiently ventilated and for that it is enough either to air the house in order to let the air circulate freely, or to install a mechanical ventilation controlled (VMC), a system which makes it possible to absorb any the humidity of the air by means of a device.

Water infiltration
Water infiltration can cause moisture either through a leak in the pipe, cracks in the walls or a sealing problem.

Moisture of the soil
Moisture can rise from the basement either by the effect of the soil pressure against the foundations or by the rise of water in the walls that soak the whole foundation of the house.

The consequences of humidity on health

The consequences of humidity on health can be disastrous and in France, it has been shown that it can be the cause of infectious and toxic diseases.

Symptoms may appear such as:
  • The development of various allergies
  • Cough, asthma, rhinitis
  • Irritation of the eyes
  • Skin irritation

It is therefore essential to fight against moisture and end it by using natural methods and easy to use.

Natural methods to remove moisture

Salt is known for its absorbent properties and its protection against the proliferation of microorganisms. You can put a kilo in a container and let it rest in the wet room. Wait for the salt to darken before replacing it with another one.

White vinegar
White vinegar acts as a descaler, a repellent, an antibacterial and a deodorant. Its acetic acid content allows it to get rid of annoying molds that accumulate on walls and ceilings, especially since it is an environmentally friendly product.

Manual :

- Use white vinegar pure or diluted in water and spray all corners affected by moisture. Repeat until the tasks disappear.

- Soak a clean towel of white vinegar and clean the stains until they disappear

- mustard flour

The mustard seed is ground and mixed with vinegar and salt. Equipped with the same moisture-absorbing capacity as salt, mustard flour has antimycotic and disinfectant properties that can eliminate all fungi.

How to use: you can put the mustard flour in a container and place it in the room touched by moisture. You will notice that the latter will decrease considerably and quickly. Change the content once a week.

Other useful tips

In addition to the tips already listed, you can take preventive measures against moisture:
  • Do not leave wet clothes in the house.
  • Ventilate the house as much as possible so that the air circulates freely in each part of the house.
  • Move the furniture and do not stick it to the wall to prevent moisture from accumulating there.
  • The air conditioning of the houses must be between 18 and 20 degrees.
  • Place gum arabic in every part of the house and even in your closets, it will leave in addition a pleasant scent.
  • Use a dehumidifier that contains silica gel, very effective at absorbing moisture.
Clean the mold with a clean cloth soaked in soapy water and ventilate the room for quick drying. For cleaning operations, it is important to protect yourself with a dust mask and rubber gloves to avoid exposure to mold particles.