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The 3 Most Faithful Partners According To Their Zodiac Sign

The 3 Most Faithful Partners According To Their Zodiac Sign

Loyalty is considered to be the most important aspect, if not the foundation, of a couple's success. However, we notice many broken couples because of an extramarital adventure, mostly unimportant. It is often said that infidelity is the prerogative of man. Yet there are many faithful men and astrology will inform us about it.

Zodiac elements and fidelity

Signs related to the Earth element tend to reflect a lot on each of their actions, so they tend not to be swept away by the impulse. They are considered the most faithful signs of the zodiac. However, they also make mistakes.

The opposite happens to the signs of Fire, because they tend to be carried away by their drive. However, when they have a Sagittarius partner, Leo, and especially Aries, they attach great importance to fidelity.

As for the air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - they generally feel very uncomfortable in the context of infidelity. At first, they may be calm, but over time, remorse will lead them to admit their mistake.

The signs of water - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - will also have a very bad time, whether they are victims or guilty of infidelity. The big problem is that sometimes they act without thinking about the consequences.

Also, astrology puts forward, 3 zodiac signs that are considered the most faithful partners.

The native of Cancer appears as one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac. Men born under this sign are very devoted in romantic relationships. They stand out as being very intuitive and insightful. Their overriding need is to build a family based on love and affection. When they find happiness in their home, they do not feel any need to be unfaithful. The most compatible astrological signs with Cancer, are Taurus and Capricorn, which are considered signs of earth, based on stability and dedication. However, Cancer can live in harmony with all people who share the same principles and family values.

This is one of the most stable and calm signs. Moreover, he is not afraid to be sincere with his partner and does not like to play with the feelings of others. Capricorn praises fidelity in the relationship and his greater resentment will rarely allow him to forgive an infidelity. Reserved and shy by nature, this native often favors moments of loneliness. However, once he falls in love, he shares all his love and solidarity with his partner by showing him his dedication to help him move forward in life. For a Capricorn, loyalty is just the secret of a happy relationship.

The native of Leo likes to be in the spotlight and the center of attention of everyone. Nevertheless, he remains fearful about the infidelity of his partner with whom he is committed. Although he likes to shine in society, especially in front of women, it does not remain about it less that it likes to have all the attention of the woman whom it likes, for which it will testify all its fidelity. The sign of Leo is a pleasant partner and gets along well with Sagittarius and Aries who are also sociable and dynamic as well as with Libra which will seduce him with his natural optimism.