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Your Body Sends You Signs Before A Stroke

Your Body Sends You Signs Before A Stroke

Our body can be reached by a whole lot of diseases manifesting various symptoms and to different degrees of gravity. There are, however, some diseases that are somewhat out of the ordinary because they are less conspicuous than others, knowing that even their symptoms are more discreet and may look like ordinary diseases. Stroke is one of those silent killers.

What is a stroke?

We talk about stroke or stroke in the event of obstruction of a blood vessel responsible for the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, this blockage can also cause the vessel in question to burst. Such a dysfunction robs an area of the brain of the supply that it needs to function, causing the death of a number of cells. And as you probably already know, the brain is not only an organ with a complex conception but it is also the one that controls the whole functioning of the other parts of the body, which is why its failure inevitably leads to that of the others. body features.

Different types of stroke

Neurologists now distinguish 2 major types of stroke:

- The ischemic accident: This one groups at the same time the cases of cerebral thrombosis as those of cerebral embolism and is by far the most frequent because it represents 80% of the cases of known stroke. This accident occurs when a blood clot that has formed either in a cerebral artery or in another part of the body reaches a cerebral artery and blocks it.

- The haemorrhagic accident: This is obviously the most serious and concerns about 20% of stroke cases. It is very often caused by long-standing arterial hypertension but can also be the result of the rupture of an aneurysm, a swelling of an artery which can lead to its bursting and thus to a haemorrhage.

The symptoms of a stroke

It is important to be aware of these symptoms because they can go unnoticed and often tend to be trivialized, but do not take them lightly. It is important to keep in mind that when any of these signs occur, it is strongly advised to contact a doctor urgently. :
  • The loss of sensitivity of certain parts of the body such as the face, arm, leg or whole body side.
  • A feeling of lightheadedness sometimes leading to loss of balance.
  • Difficulties in expression and comprehension
  • Visual disturbances in one of the two eyes or sudden loss of sight.
  • Sudden and intense headaches that may be accompanied by nausea.
  • What protects you against this danger

There are ways to effectively prevent stroke by reducing the risk by 80%. These are actually good habits to adopt in order to have a healthy lifestyle and stay healthy:

Get away from smoking as much as possible and stop for those who are already smokers.
  • Moderate alcohol consumption and ideally stop it
  • Avoid excess weight
  • Adopt a balanced diet, rich in potassium and where salt is present in small quantities.
  • Better control your stress and always find a way to relax

Change the contraceptive method especially for women over 35 years old or those who smoke or who already have high blood pressure.

Your Body Sends You Signs Before A Stroke