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5 Exercises For Women Over 40 Who Are Better Than Running

5 Exercises For Women Over 40 Who Are Better Than Running

Sport is probably one of the best ways to have a nice body well toned and firm. But we are not all ready to run hundreds of miles each morning, or spend hours in the gym. If you too want to lose weight and tone your body while having fun, you should definitely try the exercises below.

Running has many virtues for health. It helps in the prevention of certain diseases, helps reduce stress, and contributes significantly to weight loss. But some people can not practice this sport because of their health problems, or simply for lack of time. If you are one of those people who want to sculpt their figure without suffering, read this article.

1- Swimming:
Swimming has been practiced for thousands of years by all the world's civilizations, and its effectiveness is well established.

In addition to helping you relax and reduce stress, swimming is a sport that involves many muscles in your body. And without any risk to your health.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of all the benefits it can bring you:
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Contribution to weight loss.
  • Reduced stress and symptoms of depression.
  • Improved flexibility.
  • Strengthening muscles.

2- The Pilates method:
Invented at the beginning of the 20th century by Joseph Hubertus Pilates, the Pilates method is a kind of very gentle gymnastics that helps strengthen the muscles of the body while improving flexibility and breathing. Pilates exercises are very easy to perform, and are often recommended for pregnant women, the elderly, and people who suffer from muscle problems.

Even if the Pilates method will not require you very little effort, you will notice its results on your silhouette and your health in no time! Joseph Hubertus Pilates, the inventor of this method, says it only takes thirty Pilates sessions to find a brand new body.

3- The dance:
Did you know that a dance session can burn you from 300 to 500 calories?

Eh yes ! You do not have to suffer to have the body of your dreams. The dance will allow you to refine your silhouette and tone your muscles while making you happy, and reducing your stress.

You will not need to subscribe to the gym, or invest astronomical sums in sports equipment. You only need good music, and good mood!

4- Cycling:
What's more de-stressing and restful for the mind than a good walk in the forest or in a garden. And if you go there by bike?

In addition to helping you fight against stress and improve your breathing, cycling will help you burn calories and strengthen your muscles while detoxifying your body.

5- Nordic walking:
Nordic walking is a very popular sport in the Scandinavian countries. Unlike normal walking, Nordic walking is walking quickly while performing specific movements using walking sticks.

This sport has many health benefits: It helps fight against cardiovascular diseases, improve the immune system, strengthen muscles, and promote good blood circulation.

Warnings :
If you experience severe pain or breathing problems while exercising, stop immediately and consult your doctor.

Pregnant women and the elderly should seek the advice of a specialist before practicing the sports mentioned in this article.
5 Exercises For Women Over 40 Who Are Better Than Running