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7 Foods That Can Treat Insomnia

7 Foods That Can Treat Insomnia

Sleeping and especially getting enough sleep is essential for our body. This allows our body to regenerate while keeping our brain and memory in top form. Sleep disorders, and especially insomnia, have become commonplace in our society. Yet, getting proper rest is vital to our well-being. To fight against this problem, there is a multitude of foods that are a perfect substitute for sleeping pills, which for their part can have various undesirable side effects.

Almost all of us have problems with insomnia at some point in our lives. There is no typical personality profile that may be more prone to insomnia, but some factors such as aging, anxiety, mental and psychological hyperactivity, certain medications or chronic illnesses can increase risk to suffer from insomnia.

Consequences of insomnia on the body

On the other hand, suffering from chronic insomnia can cause a multitude of consequences on the body. This can result in daytime fatigue, irritability, problems with concentration and memory or even mental lethargy. Motivation is also diminished and a great effort is required to accomplish some of the tasks that are usually perceived as innocuous.

Today, classical medicine too often prescribes insomniacs heavy drugs such as sleeping pills that can have adverse consequences on the psychological balance, while there are natural solutions to sleep better such as integration into his diet, foods that can be benefactors to "recover" his sleep.

The banana is rich in tryptophan which once ingested boosts the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. It is therefore an excellent stimulant for sleep. It also contains a lot of magnesium which helps to relax the muscles, not to mention the potassium which is important for the prevention of night cramps.

Farmed salmon
Salmon is a fatty fish rich in omega-3 and vitamin B6 that can relieve stress and help the body relax. Vitamin B6 will stimulate the production of melatonin, which will help ease sleep.

Herbal teas
Herbal teas with valerian, chamomile, mint and lavender can improve the quality of sleep. Chamomile, containing apigenin, a molecule with slightly sedative effects is particularly effective against insomnia. Drinking a cup of one of these herbal teas before going to bed is therefore quite appropriate.

Coconut milk
This milk is an excellent source of calcium and if your insomnia is caused by a deficiency in this mineral, coconut milk is your ally. In addition, its calcium is easily assimilated by the body.

Cherry juice can increase melatonin production and improve sleep quality while also regulating circadian rhythm (the sleep-wake cycle). Besides juices, consuming a handful of cherries, will have the same effects on the body.

Whole grains
Barley, bulgur and other types of whole grains contain a lot of magnesium, an important mineral that promotes relaxation. A certain magnesium deficiency is recognized as one of the causes of sleep problems, consuming whole grains will turn the tide.

A cup of hot chocolate before going to bed will relax the mind and provide your body with enough magnesium that will dramatically improve the quality of sleep. In addition, cocoa contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid for the body, which the brain transforms into serotonin. It is known to play a role as a mild and natural sedative.

Certain eating habits such as excessive consumption of sugar, fat or caffeine before bedtime but also during the day, easily cause insomnia. In addition, the use of sleeping pills for insomnia is not really recommended, because it can lead to dependence and the use of these drugs causes in most cases a muddy state the day after taking. Focusing on healthy food and regular physical activity is part of a lifestyle that is particularly beneficial for a balanced, quality sleep.
7 Foods That Can Treat Insomnia