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A Mother Warns Against Hand-foot-and-mouth Disease (And How To Avoid It)

A Mother Warns Against Hand-foot-and-mouth Disease (And How To Avoid It)

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is a very contagious eruptive viral infection. This infection is very common in infants or babies. How is it manifested and how can it be protected?

Children most often contract hand-foot-and-mouth disease in places such as children's playgrounds, crèches or canteens, which can really be relatively infectious. This disease is caused by the enterovirus Coxasckie A16.

Madelyn has had the unpleasant experience with her son Clark. He woke up one morning with a high fever and had red rashes with itching on the palms of his hands and feet. She immediately took him to the doctor who diagnosed him with hand-foot-and-mouth disease. Since no medication or preventive vaccine exists against the hand-foot-and-mouth disease virus, the therapy is only symptomatic.

Symptoms of foot-hand-mouth disease
Children under the age of 10 are most likely to contract this disease. Symptoms such as mild fever, red rashes and sore blisters on the buttocks, hands, feet and mouth, fatigue and some irritability in toddlers can occur. Much more rarely, teenagers and occasionally adults can also contract the infection.

Foot-hand-mouth infection is caused by enterovirus Coxsackie as mentioned above. This kind of virus is most often transmitted by direct contact (transmission through the stool on the hands), by droplets, coughing, blowing or talking, also by already contaminated objects such as toys, towels or door handles . But also by lack of hygiene or undercooked foods.

Fast and natural treatment of infection
It is a virus that will go away on its own and there is no medication or preventive vaccine available against the disease virus, the therapy is based solely on the treatment of symptoms and there are several small, simple remedies that it is possible to achieve at home to facilitate the healing process.

Cubes of ice cubes with water of coconut
Ice cubes can soothe and relieve wounds and blisters in the mouth that can make eating and drinking very painful. Coconut water is also full of potassium and electrolytes that work wonders to fight against dehydration!

Bone broth
It is important to make sure that your child is eating very nutritious foods when he is sick to help fight the virus better. Bone broth is full of collagen giving the body a needed boost when it comes to fighting an infection.

Tea tree oil
This essential oil contains various antiviral, antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial properties to help accelerate the healing process and prevent the spread of the virus. However, the tea tree oil must be diluted in a carrier oil and only given to children who are over 3 years old.

Coconut oil
If you apply coconut oil on the skin, you can easily promote the healing of blisters. It contains antimicrobial and antiviral properties that soothe the itching ride by stopping the spread of infection.

Epsom salt bath
Epsom salt with magnesium sulphate is ideal for relieving and accelerating the healing process by soothing the skin and detoxifying the body. Simply put half a cup of this salt in the bath and immerse the child for 10 minutes, then rinse. However, it should be noted that Epsom salt is not recommended for children under 6 years.

Salt water
Pink Himalayan salt helps balance pH levels to support a healthy immune system. To get rid of potential irritants in the mouth after eating, rinse your mouth with salt and water.

The prevention of hand-foot-and-mouth disease is based on hygiene measures designed to limit the risk of contamination. Hands should be thoroughly washed, especially after a washroom. Cleaning surfaces, toys and objects within reach of sick children is necessary to limit contamination. From a very young age, teach your children the rules of basic hygiene to adopt. 
A Mother Warns Against Hand-foot-and-mouth Disease