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This Older Person Had Moments Of Absence And Came To A Hilarious Conclusion

This Older Person Had Moments Of Absence And Came To A Hilarious Conclusion

ADHD. This acronym sounds strange to you? Yet, in France, an estimated 3-5% of children have attention deficit disorder and 65% of them continue to experience symptoms of this dysfunction in adulthood.

ADHD means "attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity". It is a neurobiological disorder, that is to say a deficit of the nervous system due to genetic or biological factors. The symptoms differ according to the age and can vary from one person to another, but we can distinguish four fairly frequent manifestations.

Attention disorders ADHD.

Here is the short excerpt from the testimony of a person with ADHD:

"This morning, I decide to water the plants in the garden when, by opening the garden hose valve near the garage, I see my dirty car and tell me it's time to clean it. As I approach the garage, I see the stack of letters found in my mailbox this morning and decide to keep only the bills. In sorting, I realize that the trash is full to crack and decides to empty it. But in doing so, I think about paying the bills and heading to the living room to get my checkbook. Opening it, I realize that it contains only one check and goes to my office to look for my second checkbook. I then see a can of soda half full on the edge of my desk and decided to put it back in the fridge. As I head for the kitchen, I try to remember what I intended to do at first. Water the garden plants, clean the car, sort the mail, pay the bills ... None of this has been done. "

The difficulty of focusing on the same task for several minutes without being distracted is almost impossible for people with ADHD.

1. Hyperactivity
People who are prone to ADHD are often said to be "fidgety". Difficulty concentrating pushes them towards constant motor agitation. Hyperactivity is not limited to the physical world. It can also manifest itself in the head where ideas are jostling constantly, hence the lack of attention.

2. Emotional overload
People with ADHD suffer from hypersensitivity problems, that is, they are more sensitive to sensory stimuli from the outside world leading to increased feelings.

3. Impulsiveness
People who are subject to ADHD are often said to be "unable to control themselves". Caused by a cerebral anomaly, this impulsiveness is reflected in a tendency to act before thinking.

4. Causes of ADHD
In Quebec, there are nearly 300,000 adults with attention deficit disorders. ADHD is caused by the dysfunction of neurotransmitters in the prefrontal part of the brain. According to scientific data, this one would present an imbalance of the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine at the level of the neurotransmitters. In many cases, ADHD is inherited. In fact, children of affected parents would be 4 to 10 times more likely to develop the disorder themselves. In some cases, this can result from neurobiological disorders in young humans or complications related to pregnancy of the mother such as nutritional deficiencies.

5. ADHD treatments
Not being a pathology per se, we do not cure ADHD. However, there are some natural solutions to mitigate the consequences. According to studies, a vitamin B cure could improve attention and decrease impulsivity. Iron, magnesium and essential fatty acids are also preferred to alleviate symptoms. Physical activity practiced regularly is considered in addition to an appropriate diet. This ensures the proper balance of the nervous system and allows to evacuate superfluous energy.
Older Person Had Moments Of Absence And Came To A Hilarious Conclusion