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8 Reasons Why I'm Not Afraid Of Being Single, I'm Afraid Of Relationships

8 Reasons Why I'm Not Afraid Of Being Single, I'm Afraid Of Relationships

It is important not to be ashamed of loneliness. Loneliness is not as bad as people imagine and there are many individuals who enjoy staying alone, especially after chaotic relationships. It is healthier to be single than to suffer the effects of a toxic relationship. Is not it better to be alone than badly accompanied?

The fear of being alone has led some people to settle for mediocre romantic relationships. They convince themselves that being in a very toxic relationship is much better than being single.

You can think differently, and be different from these people. Being alone can be a luxury that many can not have or can not see the value of. Do not be afraid to be single, but be afraid to be in a relationship that does not satisfy you and that only brings you problems.

Certainly, it is understandable that people are afraid to be vulnerable and fear to suffer if they still fall in love with the wrong person. But there are other reasons that justify their choice, here are some of them.

1. You like your life and you do not want to change anything
You know that having a boyfriend will change your schedule and you do not want the wrong person to mess up your life. You have a job you love, an amazing family and close friends, and that's enough for you. You spend your free time indulging your passions and have a good time, and you do not want a person to mess up all this.

2. You had a lot of first missed appointments
The kind of meeting where you escape to the bathroom and send a text message to your best friend for advice on how to end this head to head with elegance. Either the person did not look like what you thought or it was very boring, and you do not want to waste your time.

3. Your last relationship was a fiasco
Your last relationship has completely changed your vision of love. Your ex was rude and arrogant, your relationship was horrible and everyone knew it except you. Because you were in love, you could not see the relationship for what it really was, and it scares you now. You were trapped in your own version of reality, and it says more about you than about your ex, so it's hard for you to trust.

4. You do not want to force anything
A relationship requires a lot of work and you already have your own worries. Relationships involve a lot of decision-making and may have problems or difficulties, which can be exhausting. So you want to let things happen naturally without forcing anything.

5. You never go over more than 3 dates
You always seem to find a reason to stop seeing someone after the third date, or the other person feels your hesitation and ends the relationship. Your friends tell you that you are difficult or in search of non-existent problems, but in reality, you are afraid of not falling on the right person.

6. Becoming vulnerable takes time
You need time to put yourself at ease in a relationship, even in the most platonic ones. Unfortunately, some people are eager to go far and quickly say "I love you" without knowing if they really feel it. After your past experiences, you are terribly afraid of being vulnerable, which leads you to be reluctant and you have trouble opening quickly. It is normal to be careful, but do not let fear cripple you in your life.

7. You fear adultery 
You are afraid of being deceived, but you are also afraid to deceive. You never want to hurt someone, but are afraid of falling into infidelity if you are in a relationship that does not satisfy you. You're afraid of being hurt, so you're probably saying, why would I put myself in such a situation?

8. You are afraid of abandoning
This is a classic explanation of a fear of commitment but it is understandable. If you go to a first appointment, you may want to see that person again when they do not want to. You are afraid that you will break up and be abandoned while you feel comfortable in this relationship. So you prefer to keep your bachelor status time to be sure to be with the right person.

8 Reasons Why I'm Not Afraid Of Being Single