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10 Remedies To Prevent Heart Disease

10 Remedies To Prevent Heart Disease

The term heart disease refers to problems that affect the structure or functions of the heart. They are most often related to atherosclerosis, a narrowing of the arteries, which induces an increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

Heart disease includes coronary heart disease, congenital diseases, arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), heart failure, etc.

The causes and symptoms vary depending on the type of heart disease. However, there are common symptoms: shortness of breath, chest pain, too fast or too slow heart rate, dizziness, tiredness and fainting. The risk of developing or worsening heart disease is increased by factors such as heart defects, high blood pressure or cholesterol, diabetes, tobacco, excessive coffee, drugs or alcohol. But also stress, aging and family history.

When faced with heart disease, it is essential to be followed by a cardiologist for appropriate treatment. Moreover, it is essential to adopt in parallel an irreproachable lifestyle!

Here are the top 10 foods to eat and good rules of life to fight against heart disease.

1. Garlic
Several studies have established that garlic is beneficial for high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. It helps slow the development of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. In addition, garlic improves circulation and prevents venous thrombosis.

Eat one or two cloves of freshly crushed garlic daily. If you find the taste too strong, drink a glass of milk to pass it. If you are bothered by taste or smell, you can eat it in capsules. The recommended dosage is 600 to 1,200 mg. To take three times a day.

Caution: Garlic can interfere with certain medications because of its anticoagulant properties. If you are taking blood thinners, seek the advice of your doctor.

2. Hawthorn
In Western herbalism, the benefits of hawthorn on the heart are well known. It helps to increase the blood flow to the heart and improves the contraction of the heart muscle. It also improves cardiac performance and thus reduces the workload of the heart.

You can take this plant as supplements, the standard amount containing 2 to 3% of flavonoids. The usual dosage is 300 to 600 mg three times a day. Follow this treatment for a period of several weeks to a few months.

3. The Arun
Terminalia arjuna is an ayurvedic herb beneficial to the heart. Considered a natural heart regenerator, it strengthens the heart muscle and reduces artery congestion and tension.

Add half a tablespoon of Arjuna powder with a teaspoon of honey to a glass of hot water. Drink three times a day for 2 months. You can also eat this herb in capsule form for a cure of three months.

4. The Chinese Hibiscus
Researchers in Taiwan have discovered that hibiscus flower extracts have anti-sclerosing properties. Containing antioxidants that prevent the oxidation of low density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol that contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Boil two petals of hibiscus flower in 25 cl of water. Drain and add a teaspoon of pure honey. To drink every day for a week.

5. Turmeric
Excellent for the heart, turmeric reduces cholesterol levels and plaque formation on the arteries, as well as the risk of clot formation.

It also helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol and has anti-inflammatory properties. Powerful antioxidant, it prevents the formation of free radicals, which contribute to cellular aging.

So you can include turmeric when cooking. You can also boil a cup of water or milk with a teaspoon of turmeric and drink this preparation twice a day for a month.
For greater efficiency and failing to appreciate this spice, you can consume turmeric in capsule form.

6. Cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper contains a compound called capsaicin that is beneficial to the heart and circulatory problems. It also helps reduce the risk of arrhythmia and reduces cholesterol levels. The phytochemicals present in this spice also purify the blood and strengthen the immune system.

Add half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper to a cup of hot water. Stir and drink.

Drink three times a day for two weeks. To soothe the burning sensation of the chilli, you can have a hibiscus flower tea followed. Another option is to take cayenne pepper supplements as capsules.

7. Alfalfa
Alfalfa, also called big clover or hay bourgogne, is an herb rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals. Consumed as part of a balanced diet, it prevents cardiovascular problems and reduces cholesterol levels and plaque formation on the arteries.

According to a study published in the Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, alfalfa has the power to limit the development and progression of atherosclerosis.
It is consumed in the form of herbal tea, to drink several times a day regularly.

8. The Fenugreek
Fenugreek is a plant whose seeds have antioxidant and protective virtues for the heart. Excellent for reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, it regulates the level of lipids and reduces the aggregation of thrombocytes, which reduces the risk of clots forming in the blood. In addition, it helps lower cholesterol, sugar and fats in the blood.

9. Green tea
Powerful antioxidant, it improves the health of cells and arteries. It also helps lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. In addition, green tea has stimulating effects on metabolism.
In a 2008 Japanese study, researchers found that drinking more than five cups of green tea a day reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by 26%. Drink 3 to 5 cups of green tea a day.

10. Exercise
Many studies have now shown the benefits of regular physical activity on health. Combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, it reduces the risk of heart disease. Thus, cardio exercises strengthen the heart and the cardiovascular system and reduce tension.

You do not have to throw yourself into a physical activity at the risk of disgusting yourself. Do not listen to the trend of running or zumba if you do not like it. But think about an activity that you like: dancing, swimming, rollerblading, water aerobics ...

Whatever it is, practiced with regularity it will be beneficial for your health, for your line but also for your mind. If you're not sporty for a penny, reduce your public transit time and go for a walk or bike ride.

Some hygiene rules
  • Limit fat, salt and sugar in your diet.
  • To cook, use olive oil instead of butter. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that only two teaspoons of olive oil a day helped significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Stop smoking and limit your alcohol consumption.
  • Maintain a stable weight and limit overweight.
  • Sleep enough and at fixed times. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that an extra hour of sleep reduced the risk of developing coronary artery calcification by 33%.
10 Remedies To Prevent Heart Disease