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Screens Can Damage The Brains Of Children

Screens Can Damage The Brains Of Children

We live in an era where new technologies are carving a place for themselves. Smartphones, tablets and other connected objects are an integral part of our daily life and at the moment, we could not imagine living or evolving without. Moreover, even the youngest, not to mention the little ones have become perfect followers. More and more early childhood professionals are warning of the dangers of screens for toddlers. The impact of overexposure to screens could be much greater than concentration problems alone.

Screen addiction disorders in children

Nowadays, children are playing more and more video games or using smartphone apps from their parents. Yet, there is more and more evidence that shows the harmful effects of this new trend. Indeed, these children present a real addictive behavior these days. And this, largely because of the extended exposure to screens. Parents, often to take care of their children, understand that giving them a smartphone or a tablet is a practical solution for boredom or tantrums.

While adults' brains are more developed, children's brains are significantly more sensitive to significant changes in structure and connectivity that can hinder neuronal development and lead to a screen-dependence disorder. Overexposure to the screens in children would be extremely harmful to their brain development. Screen addiction also causes other disorders such as additional addictions stemming from that of the screen (dependence on online games, addiction to social networks, etc.).

Extended exposure time

A study conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has examined this delicate subject based on several observations. Children under 8 spend less time watching television, but more in front of other video platforms such as Youtube or Netflix. 75% of teenagers have a smartphone and as many use one or more social networks. Prolonged exposure to screens is known to promote many ailments and disorders such as obesity, sleep disorders, school failure and depression. The educational success of the children would really suffer from these bad habits. Moreover, many children and teenagers do their homework while keeping their eyes on their phone or tablet.

Developing a screen addiction disorder especially in children, can have devastating effects. According to Claudette Avelino-Tandoc, a specialist in family life and child development and a consultant in early childhood education, screen disorders can lead to insomnia, back pain, weight loss or weight gain. , vision problems and headaches among others. The long-term effects of these symptoms can be as serious as brain damage.

This overexposure to the screens would activate in the youngest a reward system in the brain that releases the powerful natural stimulant: dopamine. Completely addicted to this effect euphoric, even tranquilizer, they would be easily irritable, angry, aggressive, and violent if they are screen-free. They would then sink into a pathological addiction that they can not get rid of.

Tips for parents of children with an addiction disorder on screen

Establish ground rules quickly with your children and apply them by designating moments without media, such as dinner and homework time, and places without screens at home, such as bedrooms. They should also be empowered, by inviting them to understand the benefits and limitations and by making agreements with them that they will have to respect by limiting their screen usage time.

It is sometimes tempting and accommodating to let your child distract himself by putting him in front of a screen. Think about organizing activities such as trips to the park, forest or seaside, museum visits or family board games.
Screens Can Damage The Brains Of Children