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12 Signs Of Behavior Change That Indicate You Are Suffering From Masked Depression

12 Signs Of Behavior Change That Indicate You Are Suffering From Masked Depression

The WHO (World Health Organization) estimates that depressive disorders represent the first criterion of morbidity and disability at the global level. There are more than 300 million people in the world suffering from depression and it is constantly increasing.

Depression can be treated in 80% of the cases but it is necessary to be able to identify it as it can be the case with the masked depression which is manifested at first sight only through physical manifestations, hiding the psychic signs, part immersed in the iceberg ...

It is estimated that one in five people are affected by depression. Moreover, 50 to 60% of depressives are untreated, subcontracted or poorly treated and in particular, when it is not identified upstream.

Masked depression is one of the most dangerous forms of depression because, as its name suggests, patients are either not aware of or simply do not want to admit that they are victims, as was the case for Chester Bennington, singer of Linkin Park who will finally be killed in July 2017.

Between the evils of the mind and those of the body, the border can be very thin, but there is a subtlety to consider with caution because if the body speaks, its language is difficult to decrypt.

Discover 12 signs that can reveal, a hidden depression.

Nothing brings you more joy
Your daily activities no longer satisfy you? Do your current interests no longer matter to you? Very few things still fill you up and you have the clear impression that life is simply beyond you.

You cultivate new interests as a means of adaptation
Being depressed does not necessarily mean being disabled, and you lose the will to do anything. Some people with masked depression will make lifestyle changes in the hope of reducing the sadness they feel in order to cope and get back on their feet.

Your sleep and eating habits have changed dramatically
If you are constantly tired, have insomnia, a lack of appetite or an insatiable appetite, you are somatizing! These are simply telltale signs of a masked depression.

You are afraid to scare your loved ones
People suffering from depression feel the constant apprehension of revealing to their loved ones what harm they are suffering. Fear of causing additional worry and weight that may be difficult for those around them

You display a happy appearance
Many people with depression are ashamed of their disorder and control over it. They simply learned to hide their real emotions so as not to risk lowering themselves or worrying anyone. They try to fight against this by claiming to be happier than they actually are.

You constantly think about death
You think that life is dark and does not make any sense in your eyes, in any case not a happy sense? You even come to consider the worst and even contemplate the possibility of suicide to put a final picture to this infinite sadness? You should seriously communicate to someone you trust to reverse this desperation.

You express your creativity
People with depression will often try to exorcise their hurt by expressing it through their creativity. Moreover, creative people would be significantly more susceptible to depression.

You always have excuses to justify your behavior
You justify all your behaviors and overflows with lies in order to make your inner turmoil invisible to others and always have an explanation in your sleeve to explain the consequences that arise from your emotional state.

You feel like you've lost control
Depression controls your emotions and actions so much, that you feel that it has completely taken over and you come to feeling totally helpless and unable to control your life.

You feel a lot of empathy for people who are suffering
You have already been able to rub shoulders with, even attend, people suffering from deep emotional pain and to have experienced it yourself, you realize that you can not develop this gear more than reason, even if in a first time you feel unable.

You yearn for a quest for perfection
When you suffer from depression, even when masked, you feel a certain inferiority complex and in order to overcome it, you may be able to raise the bar in many areas of your life.

Your relationships have changed dramatically
It is exhausting or even unbearable to look good in any situation when you are depressed. And of course, our relationships with those around us can be strongly affected. You become less willing to spend time with friends and family, and prefer loneliness, perhaps just to hide ...
12 Signs Of Behavior Change That Indicate You Are Suffering From Masked Depression