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Here's Why A Man Will Always Regret Losing The Only Woman Who Really Loved Him

Here's Why A Man Will Always Regret Losing The Only Woman Who Really Loved Him

In some novels or movies of love, we often have to read or watch, the story of a woman who sacrifices herself and who lives alongside a lost man, who seeks his path or a certain professional success. In real life, it does not always happen that way; the woman is often neglected and sidelined to the detriment of her happiness in the face of a selfish man. This is not a romantic comedy but the reality of most couples.

Often, in the search for social or professional fulfillment, the man focuses on himself and on his career while forgetting his spouse or partner who remains relegated to the background. In the conquest of his professional success, he dismisses his wife or at least does not give him as much importance as his career. It may be late at night or work from home and may even take several business trips. The result will be a prolonged absence, a woman abandoned on all levels by a lack of communication, intercourse and especially intimacy, which are the basis of a successful relationship.

Once his challenge is conquered and his challenge is successful, the man finally realizes that he has won a professional career but has lost the woman he loves. She can get away from him or simply leave and leave her life forever. He realizes, unfortunately, that everything does not happen as in novels with rose water; that he has created an emotional emptiness in his relationship.

In most cases, when a man discovers the flip side, it is late to fix it. When he finally turns back to his companion, he finds her already and away from him. In the majority of cases, it is only when one or the other moves away that one becomes aware of the danger which rages in the relation. At this moment, the man asks the question, questions himself; he can admit his fault and assume his share of responsibility as he can flee and find subterfuges to his behavior.

When the woman leaves ...
When a woman finally realizes that she has no place in a man's life, that she has absorbed all her energy and time, then she loses all hope of resuming her life and does not no turning back, no matter the new social and professional status of his partner. He will not be able to win her again because she will have given everything without receiving anything in return. He will lose the woman he loves and who supported him in the worst moments of his life and endured the most violent storms by his side. She is a woman he let go and will regret forever.

Are there solutions before it's too late?
The first solution is to become aware of the problem and to take responsibility from everyone in the conflict; no matter who is at the root of the problem, you have to face two.

The lack of communication caused by remoteness can create this separation. The key to success is a fruitful exchange, leading to the decortication of all the problems and complications that plague the couple. We must spread all his frustrations, his doubts and anxieties.

Sharing things in life
Following the communication, comes the sharing of anything that can bring the couple to go in the same direction. It can range from sharing social activities to the simple things in life that will please the couple.

Weigh the pros and cons of the breakup
In the event that the decision to break up is made by one or the other, it is important to ask these questions before taking the last step: What are the real reasons, are they worth the trouble of creating a break? Is my request really realistic?
Why A Man Will Always Regret Losing The Only Woman Who Really Loved Him