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Being In A Couple Makes You Fat, According To Researchers

Being In A Couple Makes You Fat, According To Researchers

Being in a couple has many benefits that are easily perceptible in everyday life. Life with two fills many gaps that we can experience one day or another and restores balance in essential aspects of our life whether it is moral or physical. There is, however, according to the researchers, a flip side, to which one must try to pay attention.

A study that confirms a very popular idea

According to a study by the Australian University of Queensland, the belief that being in a relationship makes you gain weight turns out to be true and proven.

In this study, researchers analyzed information on 15,000 individuals over a 10-year period and found that couples in a happy relationship weighed an average of 5.8 kg more than their single siblings. They also found that partners in these same couples had an average annual weight gain of 1.8 kg.

The researchers explain this by the fact that marriage, or relationships in general, bring their share of obligations such as regular family meals. But although they may include healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, and these couples' diets contain very few fast meals (junk food), people tend to consume larger portions and therefore more calories by being in the company of others than if they ate alone, resulting in excessive energy intake.

Partners can encourage themselves to take bad habits
The Australian study also shows that marriage or cohabitation has the potential to lead partners to unhealthy habits, and so many couples frequently engage in daily activities such as eating while watching TV together, or drink alcohol for two.

The participants in the experiment were therefore invited to answer questions about the choices they made about their way of life, whether in terms of physical activity, the amount of food (unhealthy or not). ) ingested or time spent as a couple in front of the TV.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that couples tend to eat healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables and are less likely to smoke or fall into excess alcohol consumption, but this also includes Couples generally tend to neglect their weight because they subconsciously feel that they no longer need to seduce anyone.

We feel more comfortable : no need to attract any longer
Dr. Stephanie Schoeppe, lead author of New Scientist magazine explains that once couples no longer feel the need to look attractive to each other or to be slim to attract the other partner, they They begin to feel much more comfortable with the idea of eating more fat, sweeter and in larger quantities. But things do not improve in the presence of children since according to Dr. Schoeppe, when couples have children it often happens that they eat their leftovers or share with them their snacks.

It is therefore important to become aware of these facts in order to be more careful about these elements that can sometimes lead to health complications. However, there is another aspect that should alarm us as much as the first is the fact that being in relationship does not mean being careless about his appearance or let go. Love and desire in a couple must be cultivated and fed on a daily basis so that the relationship is lasting and fulfilling. Do not forget that one of the best things in the world is to encourage each other to do the right things every day, like a little jogging for example.
Being In A Couple Makes You Fat, According To Researchers