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These 2 Binoculars With Trisomy Are Now Models

These 2 Binoculars With Trisomy Are Now Models

Your genes hold the keys to the appearance and function of your body. They are behind everything from your hair color to the way you digest your food. So, if something is wrong with them, it can have considerable effects such as Down syndrome which can be a handicap for many people. But some of them manage to develop and show their true potential as these two twins with Down syndrome.

What is Down syndrome?

People with Down syndrome are born with an extra chromosome. Chromosomes are groups of genes and the human body has 46 chromosomes divided into 23 pairs. With Down syndrome, this extra chromosome causes a series of problems that affect the person both mentally and physically.

Down syndrome is a permanent disorder. If your child has it, getting the right care from the beginning can make a big difference in helping to lead a healthy life.

Effects of Down syndrome
People with Down syndrome usually have some common physical characteristics. For example, they often have a flat nose, small ears and slanted eyes.

Their mental abilities vary, but most have mild to moderate problems of reflection, reasoning and understanding. They may take longer to gain skills such as walking, talking and developing social skills.

Tips for caring for a child with Down syndrome
Like most children, children with Down syndrome respond better to positive support than to discipline. Keep these two things in mind when trying the following tips:
  • Give your child tasks at home. Just divide them into small steps, and be patient.
  • Ask your child to play with other children with Down syndrome.
  • Keep your expectations high while your child tries and learns new things.
  • Take time to play, read, have fun and go out with your child.
  • Help your child do the daily chores alone.

When talking to your child, keep it simple: the fewer steps, the better. For example, try "Can you put on your pajamas? Instead of "OK, it's time to go to bed. Brush your teeth, and put on your pajamas. "

Ask your child to repeat the instructions you have given him so that you know you have been understood.

To help your child at school, you could:

Avoid saying "It's wrong" to correct mistakes. Instead, say "try again. And offer him help if necessary.

Watch what your child learns at school and see if you can incorporate these lessons into your home life.

Having a child with Down syndrome requires a lot of patience and effort on the part of parents. Moreover, some parents successfully complete this mission as the case of these two twins with Down syndrome.

The star binoculars
Hannah and Rachel are beautiful identical twins who are already talking about them. Born to Nardy Majias and her husband, Enzo Lattanzio, they are about 18 months old and have Down syndrome. It is very rare that identical twins have this disease.

Nardy revealed that she had no idea that her babies had Down syndrome until they were born, even with prenatal exams.

As soon as parents discovered their daughters' illness, they immediately started looking for information on Down syndrome to do everything in their power to help their little girls.

For both parents, taking care of their binoculars brings them great joy. The couple admitted that things were not always easy, but they intend to make sure their babies reach their full potential.

The parents do a fantastic job at this level because Hannah and Rachel are already becoming stars. The twins signed a contract with a model agency, Zebedee Management, specializing in people with disabilities.

Nardy and her husband want to educate strong girls who have value and who trust their abilities. They are determined to ensure that their daughters' talents are well developed and valued.

Nardy hopes her daughters' story will inspire other families in the same situation to overcome the downsides of Down syndrome and focus only on hope, values and potential. Do not hesitate to share this beautiful example!
Binoculars With Trisomy Are Now Models