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A Delicious Recipe For Getting Rid Of Bloating Is Having A Flat Stomach

A Delicious Recipe For Getting Rid Of Bloating Is Having A Flat Stomach

Bloating is a feeling of swelling in the abdomen. It can be caused by several factors such as excessive gas production, constipation, or the consumption of certain types of food. Try this natural remedy and get rid of bloating easily in a matter of minutes.

Today there is a wide range of industrial drugs to treat the problem of bloating. But often, these contain chemicals that are very harmful to the body. Fortunately there are natural remedies that can get rid of bloating while providing you with nutrients that are very beneficial to your body. Take the example of this natural remedy based on chia seeds.

What are the causes of bloat?

The causes of bloating are multiple. The latter can be a symptom of a more or less serious illness, as it can simply be the result of a bad lifestyle. Here is a list of the most common causes of bloating:

- Consumption of certain foods such as broccoli, cabbages ...
- Infections in the stomach or intestines.
- Consumption of certain types of drugs (In particular anti-inflammatories, some anti-cholinergic drugs ...)
- Consumption of soft drinks.
- Food intolerance (Fructose, lactose, gluten ...)
- Irritable bowel syndrome.
- Certain gynecological diseases such as endometriosis.
- Water retention.
- Stress, anxiety, and certain eating disorders.
- Physical inactivity.
- Finally, bloating can be a symptom of certain cancers such as colon cancer ...

Chia seeds: an ally of weight for your health.

Originally from Mexico, chia seeds can be the preferred ingredient of anyone who takes care of their health, and their well-being. The latter are rich in proteins, fiber, antioxidants, and a whole range of nutrients as beneficial as each other such as Omega 3. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the benefits of chia seeds:

- Improved immune defenses, and protection against the effects of free radicals.
- Stabilization of blood glucose.
- Regulation of the appetite.
- Contribution to weight loss.
- Prevention of diabetes and cholesterol.
- Strengthening muscles and bones.
- And finally, the fight against bloating and problems related to digestion.

How to use chia seeds to get rid of bloating?

The consumption of chia seeds helps fight against bloating while detoxifying the digestive system. Here are the steps to follow in order to prepare an anti balloon drink based on chia seeds.


- 25 cl of filtered water or vegetable milk (almond or rice type)
- 1 teaspoon of chia seeds.
- 1 tablespoon of natural honey.
- 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.


- Dip the chia seeds in the water for at least an hour.
- Take the chia seeds and put them in a blender.
- Add the lemon and honey.
- Drink this drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

 Warnings :

- Excessive consumption of chia seeds (more than 25 grams per day) is likely to cause digestive problems.

- Men with prostate cancer, and other related diseases, should not consume chia seeds.

- If you are taking medical treatment, seek the advice of your doctor before consuming the chia seeds.

How to avoid bloating?

Although not particularly serious, bloating is a problem that can negatively impact the daily lives of people with it. Here are some simple tips to follow to avoid it:

- Do not eat large amounts of food in one meal.

- When you eat, take all your time: Chew your food well and control your breathing.

- Perform intolerance tests to detect foods that cause bloating to eliminate them from your diet.

- Reduce your consumption of dairy products. The lactose and casein they contain can be responsible for bloating in many people.

- Limit your consumption of soft drinks. These contain carbon dioxide, which is responsible for the production of intestinal gases.

- Stress can also cause bloating. Practice relaxing activities such as yoga or meditation, and be sure to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

- Hydrate your body by drinking a sufficient amount of water (1.5 to 2 liters per day).
A Delicious Recipe For Getting Rid Of Bloating Is Having A Flat Stomach