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Here's Why Your Eldest Sister Is The Most Important Person In Your Life

Here's Why Your Eldest Sister Is The Most Important Person In Your Life

Not everyone is so lucky to have a eldest sister. She grew up with you and loved you even before you were born. You may not have realized it when you were younger, but it is the best blessing. She is your model, your partner and your best friend. In the end, There are so many reasons why your sister is the most important person in your life, we present you some in this article.

Your sister teaches you to be independent and ambitious
A survey conducted in 2009 by British psychologists at the University of Ulster, states that people raised with at least one sister were more determined and independent than those who grew up with only brothers. Tony Cassidy, the co-author of the study says, "This is the intrinsic desire to do better every time, to aim for goals. There is certainly something in this situation that leads to more encouragement and independence. "

Your sister helps you improve your interpersonal skills
It's no secret that a sister could teach you a lot about conflict resolution, empathy and how to communicate with others. According to Jeffrey Kluger, author of The Sibling Effect: "You could learn to handle difficult arguments by interacting with your older sister," combative "or" physically intimidating ".

Your sister gives you an emotional balance
Relationship with a sister provides emotional balance. According to researcher Tony Cassidy of the University of Ulster, communication with an older sister is fundamental to good psychological health.

Your sister tells you the best stories
She remembers many things from your childhood. She will always be able to talk to you about the first time you walked, your first day at school, and all the nonsense you do not remember.

Your sister understands you
Although she is probably an authority figure in your life, your older sister is young enough to understand what you are going through. It represents the perfect mix of a parent figure and a friend.

If you have a sister, you will feel less negative emotions
Sisters-older or younger-make you feel positive emotions. A study by Brigham Young University showed that people with sisters would feel less guilty and lonely than those who do not.

Your sister spots your fake friends
This is especially true if you are a girl who has just started the relationship stage. Your oldest sister will be able to spot a heartbreaker tens of kilometers away. In addition, she is not afraid to invest if you need help.

A sister is a second mom
Your sister will protect you, love you and support you whenever you need her.

Your sister will give you good advice
Just like an unpaid therapist, your older sister will listen to you and give you advice without judgment. She is the person who knows you best and who knows the different relationships in your life. So, whether you need to talk about your friends, family or work, a conversation with her will always make you feel a lot better.
Elder Sister Is The Most Important Person In Your Life